

How big is an adult bee?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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A size of an bouncy ball!

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Q: How big is an adult bee?
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Do baby bee's hatch in eggs?

The honey bee cycle is: egg, larva, pupa, adult bee - so the larva hatches from the egg, not the adult bee. The larva hatches from the egg after about three days.

How many stages are there in the life cycle of the bee?

Egg, larva, pupa, adult. When it becomes an adult, there are three stages; nurse bee, house bee and forager.

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A blonde bee has a big orange, fuzzy body. The blonde bee is twice the size of the average honey bee.

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A bee's egg hatches into a larva. This evenually turns into a pupa, from which an adult bee will emerge.

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Does a bee eat polen?

As a larva, yes, as an adult, no.

What is the youngest one of the bee called?

The four stages of bee development are egg, larva, pupa, and adult

How wide can a bee be?

Well bee is very small. They can sting you. No bee's can be very very big.

What is the time it takes for a honey bee grub to turn into an adult honey bee?

It takes a total of 21 days from the time that the queen lays an egg to the time that a larva hatches as a fully developed adult worker honey bee.

How many stages does a bee have?

A bee goes through four developmental stages: * Egg * Larva * Pupa * Adult

What kind of big bee flies around plants?

If it is bigger than a honey bee, it will be a bumble bee.

What is the life cycle of a bee?
