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Well this is sometimes disputed but the Average male Human nose is way smaller than Ryvi's

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Q: How big is the average human nose?
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Do human noses grow?

no, only if you strech it ... when you grow up you are gonna have big nose holes

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It's under your nose so you can see how big it is in a mirror-not sure what you mean.

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What job does the human nose perform?

The human nose does many types of jobs. The main function of the nose is to smell. The human nose has tiny hair sensors that allow a human to smell.

When do you used has vs have in a sentence?

He has a big nose. They do not have big noses. I don't have a big nose.

How do use the phrase red nose in sentence?

Everyone knows the reindeer Rudolph has a red nose. Santa's big red nose was redder after he was out in the cold.

What is the human nose composed of?

The human nose is composed of bone, soft tissue, and cartilage.

When did Big Nose Freaks Out happen?

Big Nose Freaks Out happened in 1992.

When was Big Nose Freaks Out created?

Big Nose Freaks Out was created in 1992.

When was Big Nose the Caveman created?

Big Nose the Caveman was created in 1991.