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The whale shark

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Q: How big is the biggest living shark?
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How big is the biggest shark in the world?

The biggest shark is the whale shark

World's biggest living shark?

whale shark

What is the biggest shark kind that was living?

the Megaladon

What kind of shark has the biggest shark tooth?

The Megalodon shark which is Greek for "big tooth" .

What is the biggest living fish in the world?

the Whale Shark

How big is the biggest well shark?

If you mean whale shark then the biggest whale sharks can measure up to 40,000 feet long and weigh about 70,000 pounds.

Is the great white shark is the biggest species of shark?

yeah, its big and scary too like the one on jaws

What is or what was the biggest shark?

The biggest shark was the megaloden a HUGE shark.The biggest shark today would be the Whale Shark.

How big of a shark is 6 meters?

how big was the biggest shark ever The biggest shark ever was 67 feet long.And was a prehistoric shark named Megoladon. For more information go here

How big was the biggest great white shark?

45 feet i thinkmayberesearch itsomewhereelse

Is the misc shark the biggest shark?

Ive never heard of a misc shark, but the largest shark that is living is the whale shark then the basking shark. However, the megalodon is the largest shark to have ever lived (up to 65 ft) but it is extinct now.

What is the most biggest shark?

The biggest shark was the Megalodon ,now it is the Whale Shark.