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Q: How big is the worlds largest hamster hamsters are small fluffy rodents?
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What is the slowest hamster?

fat teddy bear hamsters are and their fluffy

How would you know if your hamsters is making a baby?

He'll have a little fluffy erection and he should be inserting it into the other hamster, assuming that the other hamster is a female.

Why is your hamster so BIG?

Hamsters may look big when their pouches are full. Also, the hamsters fur is really fluffy making the creature look bigger than it actually is.

Can you tell me what are the most hamsters names?

fluffy hammy mr hamster nibbles buttercup cinnamon puzzles pretzel truffles pearl bon bon

Where would you find information on dwarf hamsters?

Dwarf hamsters are widely known for their suitability as pets, and information about them can be found at the websites Russian and Dwarf Hamsters, Dwarf Hamster Facts, and WikiHow, while Wikipedia also offers an in depth description of the fluffy creatures. For facts and information on the dwarf hamster in person, a trip to Petco should give you all you need to know about dwarf hamsters and how to care for them.

What is the fluffy type of hamster called?

Syrian hamsters are the most common and widely popular, ranging from 4 to 6 inches in length. Sometimes called golden hamsters, Syrians come in short hair and long hair varieties. The fluffy, longer-haired versions are sometimes called teddy bear or angora hamsters for their fuzzy coats. Their coat patterns are unique and come in virtually every shade of color

What are the similarities between the teddy bear hamster and the Turkish hamster?

A Teddy bear hamster is fluffy and soft. :)

Which is better a dog or a fluffy little hamster?

A fluffy, little hamster is my opinion. Uhhhhmmm...What a hard question. ... NOT!!! Well a dog of course everyone would pick that. Little hamster what can it do? P00p and P00p and P00p some more! What a mess! ewwww... A dog plays fetch, chases you and is always going to be with you so... DOG D-O-G DOG!!! Glad to help! ;) -F00xy666 or Rainxluv I would go with the dog myself. Hamsters can be taught to do those things to! They are smart. I might be getting a hamster. I already have a dog. ♥

Is fuzzy wire safe for hamsters?

roably not a good ideahere it is step by stepYou give hamster fluffy wirenow there are 3 optionsa) your hamster eats the fluff and wire and diesb)your haster nibbles the fluff and gets stabbed by wire somewhere and could get hurt or blinded.c)or your hamster thinks its great fun and plays with it.My advice is whatch your hamster with it and dont let it eat it.

What breed is best for hamsters?

The best type of hamster to get, is the teddybear hamsters. A short teddybear hamster are easier, in my opinion, because they require less grooming, and when you let them outside of their cage, the stuff stuck in their long fur doesn't track all over your house. Teddybear hamsters are by far, the most well tempered, and adore nothing better than attention. Don't expect your hamster to be lovable the minute you get him/her! They can bite, because they are scared! Don't touch them for two days, to let them get used to their home. Also, NEVER buy a hamster just because they are cute and tiny.

What are the most common hamster name?

probably nibbles or squeak maybe fuzz or something like that could be fluffy. I've got two hamsters one called Ava and one called Mason but if your looking to name your hamster then i think that chubby or Cinnamon are both really cute names or chip.

How do you know what sort of hamster you have?

A Russian hamster is small,quite fat and fluffy. A Chinese hamster is the sallestt, thin with quite big eyes. a syrian hamster is big with fur.