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You should allow at least 2 cubic foot per rat, bearing in mind that more is better. Something like the FOP buddy deluxe would house two rats, and the dimensions for that are 66 x 45 x 69cm. Try the Fancy Rats cage calculator if you have a cage in mind.

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Including their tails (which are as long as their body themselves) would be about 6 inches, depending on if their tails are the same length of their bodies. Some gerbils have longer or shorter tails. Usually when they are not fully grown, the tails are pretty short. (maybe 2 inches) but they get longer after time. The tallness might only be 2.5 inches though if they're not standing up. The only reason why they are 6 inches long is because of their tailes, without the tail they might be 3 inches to 3.5.

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depends how many: 1: five gallon tank 2: ten gallon tank 3: fiffteen gallon tank 4: twenty gallon tank and so on..

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Q: How big should a cage be for two rats?
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You have two male rats and you want to know how often you should feed them?

every day how much u ask is you ask depends on age and how fat they are and how big their cage is because the bigger the cage the big and fatter they get

What should the minimum size of a cage for two rats be?

I own two full grown adult rats, and my cage is 3 stories...and around 200cm in height .. 120cm in lengh and 90cm in my opinion that would be the minium size cage for two ADULT rats.... in my opinion this a good rat cage for this size and this price (ebay is the best place to look)

How many cm in length and height should a cage for two or three rats be?

Well for three rats there should be three levels I don't know the length or width but there should be a lot of space and that is because as they get bigger they need more room. My friend has rats and she had hers made I don't where but it is great it has three levels and she has four rats but the bottom level is close to the bottom of the cage and so it is a hiddy sort of place and she has so many toys you can't see the rats. If you get a cage get one with levels.

What kind of cage should you get for your rat?

It all depends on how many rats you are getting. If you get one i think the cage can be a small one but i think it should at least have two levels. I live near a pets mart teat has a small two leveled cage. If you get two rats the cage should around double the size of the one rat cage. And so on. But if you don't understand this then go to the following link: If you need more rat info, this lady in the video (the one above) did more videos which i really like. Hope this helped!

I'm getting 2 rats and i have to use a small cage until i have the money to get a big one could the 2 rats survivin a cage Height 11 inches Width 16 inches Length 26 inches?

Your rattles will be fine in that until you get the bigger cage. Just make sure it has plenty of ventilation and change the bedding regularly. Congratulations on your new babies! I suggest getting two cages or two aquariums. Otherwise, you could end up with lots of rats in short order. They mature early.

What kind of cage should you get for your hamster?

Okay I used to have a hamster soo this should be pretty easy lol. Answer: A medium sized cage with 2 floors and a wheel for excericse,some tubes ( this is optional), and a lil home like part that it can HIDE into to go to sleep. I was pretty lucky because when I got my hamster two of my brother's rats passed away and the GIGANTIC cage meant for two adult rats got given to a lil girl hamster named Sally

Is an 18x14x22in cage large enough to house two finches?

Yes thst is a big enough cage.

Can two female fancy rat live in the same cage?

Yes! It is actually recommended that you keep at least 2 rats together, if not more! Make sure the cage is large enough and give them a while outside of the cage to get to know each other. Rats are very social animals and do not like to like to live alone.

Are rats hard to take care of?

It all depends on their health. They tend to be sickly if they are from a pet store. Get rats from a breeder if you can! The things you have to do are, set out fresh food and water twice a day, clean the cage one/two times a week, and give them lots of play time! If they do get sick, you will almost certainly be in and out of the vet's office all the time. And there will be alot of complicated medicine.

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6 month old guinea pig Is it ok to introduce a second female guinea pig right now If so how big should the cage be that they share?

If the first Guinea pig is either female, or a neutered boar (male), then they should be fine. They thrive much better with company than on their own. In my experience, the perfect realtionship is a neutered boar and two females. The cage should be as big as possible however 3 piggies should be fine in a cage 600x1200mm as long as there is a bit of room for them to plan and jump. I have a cage that is two storeys, one for a big play area and then a slope up to a second floor where all their bedding is.

What is the best height width and length for a rat cage?

The best height, width, and length for a rat cage will depend on how many rats it will house. A single rat needs two cubic feet of space.