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Their sizes varied from anything to a mouse to the size of a crocodile and sometimes even crocodiles.


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Q: How big were the ancient Egyptian tombs?
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What are Ancient Egyptian pharaoh tombs?

They are pyramids.

What did ancient Egyptian put in their tombs?

died bodies

How were Ancient Egyptian tombs found?

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What is the ancient Egyptian civilization is know for?

Elaborate tombs apex art

What were the ancient Egyptian civilization known for?

building elaborate tombs-APEX

What were the big tombs in ancient Egypt called?

These tombs were called pyramids

What is put in ancient Egyptian tombs?

Mummies, Pharoes, basically the kings and queens of ancient Egypt

How were the Egyptian tombs protected?

The entrances were sealed with big rocks.

What is the historical importance of these ancient Egyptian tombs?

Tombs are the most important for the afterlife. The put the person's favorite things in iy

Do ancient Egyptian pharaohs live in temples?

no temples are like burial tombs

What was the purpose of he Egyptian pharaohs elaborate tombs?

The purpose of the ancient egyptians elaborate tombs was to make sure that the egyptian pharaohs' rain and glory would be remembered throughout time/history.

What will you mostly find in an Egyptian pyramid?

Hieroglyphs. Millions of characters made different words and sounds in ancient Egyptian, and hieroglyphs litter the walls of ancient Egyptian tombs, along with rich pictures.