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Q: How bivalves are are not adapted to life on land but gastropods are?
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What do bivalves lack that other classes have?

other molluscs have a radula which is lost in the bivalves, they also have a reduced head and nervous system. most are also lamellibranchs (filter feeders) which is why they have lost the radula (used for rasping plant life by herbivores such as the gastropods).

Vertebrates that are adapted to life both on land and in the water are?


What do bivalves do when a grain of sand gets in its shell?

When life gives bivalves sand, they make pearls.

How are moss spores adapted for life on land?

Okay- They use there tentacles and eat brains

When a species becomes better adapted to life on land what is the effect on their populations?

The population increases.

What environment are turtles adapted to?

Turtles are adapted to an aquatic life, spending almost all their life at sea. They only come to land to lay their eggs - which need to be laid out of water so they can develop.

How have plants and animals adapt to life on land?

Plants and animals have adapted to feed, reproduction, and life on land by utilizing oxygen or carbon dioxide that is absorbed through lungs or via photosynthesis rather than using gills. They have adapted with fur to keep them warm and legs to move them safely on land. Plants have adapted to utilize sunlight and animals to reproduce.

Is the frog adapted to life on land?

No, because frogs still need water to reproduce. That said, an adult frog can live on land its whole life and be okay.

Where do most?

Most live in the ocean, or along the shore. Some crustaceans, such as wood lice, have adapted to life on land.

How have gymnosperms adapted to life on land?

They use pollen to fertilize seeds which is dispersed through the wind instead of water.

Reptiles are much more extensively adapted to life on land than amphibians in that reptiles?

lay shelled eggs

Were reptiles the first vertebrates to be well adapted to live their entire lives on land?

Mammals,birds and reptiles are fully adapted to life on land. Fish live in water and amphibians start their life in water, then live on land.