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Q: How can I change your hair color from red to blonde using over the counter hair colors?
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What is the sprouses hair color?

Scandinavian Blonde Is One of My Favorite Hair Colors, And Irish Red Is One of My Sister, Tabitha's Favorite Hair Colors.

What color is Katy perrys natural hair color?

katy perry's original hair color was blonde till she dyed it because she thought that bright colors did not suit her well.

What two colors make blonde?

Blonde hair is generally a result of a combination of lighter shades. It is typically a mix of yellow and white tones that create the overall blonde color.

How can you change your hair color to platinum blonde?

use live xxl platinum blonde x

What is Athenas color?

Athena's hair is brown but some people think it is black or blonde

What color is Skye Sweetnam's Hair?

Her actual hair color is brunette, but she dyes it frequently to blonde, black, and random colors.

How do i color my brown hair blonde without getting some weird color instead?

Go to a hair salon and have a professional give you a blonde color. This way, you're pretty much guaranteed no "weird" colors.

What colors are available from Garnier Nutrisse hair color?

Garnier Nutrisse is a hair color company that offers a wide variety of colors. In fact, there are at least 38 colors available. The colors range from the lightest blonde to the darkest black.

How do you change your hair color from dyed black to bleached blonde?

You have to bleach your hair, then dye it the blonde you want it.

What color looks good with blonde hair and green eyes?

There are many colors that go good on a blonde hair green eyed person. I would think that light colors would go best.

Why do primary colors change color?

Primary colors do not change color because they are fundamental colors that cannot be created by mixing other colors. The primary colors are red, blue, and yellow, and they are used to create all other colors in the color spectrum through mixing or blending.

What color can dachshounds be?

the common colors are usually blonde, brown,black. sometimes combinations of the colors. also dapple,which can be white,black,.... maybe gray.