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In all honesty I think its the brand of shoes. You can still buy a good cheap pair of running shoes and last you where some will not. I bought a pair at Wal-Mart for $20 and they lasted me a year or longer. Taking care of them or wearing them only when running is the only thing you can do to make them last longer. Other wise you will be gluing them back together.

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Q: How can I make a cheap pair of sneakers last as long as an expensive pair?
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Depending on the type of equipment and material that the product was made from and in. Computer desktops may last up to 20+ that's why their so expensive their meant to last ages.

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On average, the cheap ones will do the job, but over time you can argue for more leading brands. The reason being the expensive brands usually have more reliability, then your second name. Note that not all expensive brands are the same in comparison, but they are about the same in battery life.

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Do you know how long a pair of Asics nimbus last?

I know from experience that Acics are generally very good sneakers. Their sneakers are very well made, and they are made to last you a very long time. They are not generally made for dancing, they are more made for running.