

Best Answer

Be sure to e-mail customer service and tell them of your plight. They will want you to answer a series of trivial questions to verify your identity and be sure you are not scamming them. It behooves you to get them all right.

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Login to what is not stated, so only a general answer can be given. Probably you will need to register first - name, email address, login name, password, etc. There may be a "chatcha" to prove you are a human. Maybe you will get an email for you to click on and so verify your enrolment. After which, you will need to type in your login name and password to enter and begin using the website(?).

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Pogo's official homepage have a button close to the login for password recovery. "Forgot password or screen name". You may also log in using your facebook credentials, and those can be changed through Facebook's login page.

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To log into Study Island, go to the Study Island website and enter your username and password in the provided login fields on the homepage. If you're a student, you may have a login provided by your school. If you're a teacher or administrator, you can use your school-issued login credentials.