

How can a baby platypus nurse?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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11y ago

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Platypuses do feed their young on mothers' milk, but the young do not suckle from teats. The mother platypus secretes milk from glands on her abdomen, which the young platypus drinks, but she does not develop teats.

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11y ago

Baby platypuses feed on mothers' milk which is secreted via glands through the platypus's fur, rather than teats. It then runs into grooves on the mother's abdomen, and the young platypuses drink from these grooves.

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baby platypus nurse for approx three to four months

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A baby platypus is hatched in a chamber at the end of the mother platypus's burrow, which is dug into the side of a riverbank.

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A baby platypus stays in the chamber of its mother's burrow for about six weeks.

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Yes. When first hatched, a baby platypus can breathe on its own.

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Yes, a baby nurse will get to hold the babies that she cares for. The baby nurse will hold the baby to feed, bathe, clothe, and comfort them.

What do you feed a baby platypus?

you give it milk

Is there a special word for baby platypuses?

No. A baby platypus is just called a baby platypus, and has no official name. it is not called a puggle, despite what many websites and otherwise reputable sources may suggest. It is occasionally unofficially known as a platypus, but note - this is completely unofficial.

Are baby platypus shy?

Baby platypuses are very shy, as are the adult platypuses.

Can a baby platypus have babies?

No. A female platypus only reaches reproductive age at about two years old.