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The stallion's hooves can cut the mare's back, the mare may kick out at the stallion, the mare may even colapse under the stallion's weight.

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Q: How can a horse get injures while mating?
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Related questions

What type of process is horse mating?

Horse mating is a process of breeding. The horse mating process is initiated by horse owners. The horses to be bred are selected based on the goal of the owners.

How does horse have its babyies?

a horse has babies from mating once (ped)

What happens when a horse injures it's tendon?

If you're smart, you'll tell the vet.

What is a remixed horse?

It could be that the horse mating on a horse and another horse comes up and mates a second time. Horse will do that sometimes.

How do tunas position while mating?

they position upsidedown and spin around while mating.

How do you breed on horse life adventures?

you have to upgrade your lodge and then after a while your mating barn will appear, there's heart in a circle and you click on that but you must have two horses available

Do cats need privacy while mating?

I would leave them alone. They get a little "wild" while mating.

What do you get by mating a jenny with a male horse?

It is not easy to breed a female donkey and male horse but the offspring would be called a Hinney.

What is a muel?

A mule is a hybrid offspring from the mating of a female horse and a male donkey.

Is a mule asexual?

No, Mules are only born through the mating of a Horse and a Donkey.

What is intergeneric hybridization?

an organism which is the result of mating between the two species of different genera example; mating between donkey and horse create mules

How was the greek god despoena born?

The goddess Despoena was the daughter of Demeter and Poseidon, she was the result of the two gods mating while in the form of horses, her brother was a immortal horse called Areion.