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To grow a plant well you must duplicate its natural growing environment. Your must control the atmosphere. Aquaponics is uniquely designed to do just that. From the temperature of the fish tank, its ammonia, nitrogen, and debris levels, the flow of nutrients over the roots, to light timing and air temperature, everything is controlled to duplicate the environment in which the plant grows best.

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Q: How can a hydroponic plant grow anywhere anytime?
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Which plant can be grow using hydroponic farming?

Vegetables like tomatoes can be grown using hydroponic technology.

How do you grow a hydroponic plant?

They are grown suspended in water, the water has the correct nutrients added to enable the plant to thrive.

Where can you grow hydroponic plants?

Outdoors in water or with constant access to water. You can build your own waterproof raised beds or use large plastic tubs.

How long can a weed plant live without soil?

If you keep it in hydroponic fluid it can actually grow. but without that it will die within a few hours...

When to plant pickled cucumbers?

You can plant them anytime you want. However, if you expect them to grow into pickles, you are sadly misinformed on how pickles are made.

Where does weed grow?

The cannabis plant is quite hardy and versatile and can grow nearly anywhere.

Other than tomatoes what can you grow with the hydroponic method can you grow hydroponic flowers also?

You can grow heaps of plants, i grow plants using hydroponics and i grow tomatoes, strawberries,chillis. Yes you can grow flowers using hydroponics, you can plant them when they are seeds or seedlings. yes, most plants can be grown hydroponically but some species like different kinds of substrate (growing medium) to grow in so you need to check that first but most plants will survive just fine in rockwool using hydro and the correct nutrients. I grow strawberries, lettuce, tomatoes. Remember the soil is there to support the plant and supply nutrients so therefore if you provide a substate to anchor the plant then all you have to do is supply the correct balanced feed for that type of plant.

Where do dandelions grow?

Everywhere, anywhere and anytime of year. They will grow in your garden of you dont cut your grass, or at public parks. I hope my answer has been of much use to you.

Can yams grow in water not soil?

yes they can it is called the hydroponic yam

What are the fastest vegetables to grow in a hydroponic garden?

tomatoes Radishes or lettuce.

Do seeds need soil to grow?

Not at all; hydroponic method is very successful.

Will tomatos grow only in water without soil?

Yes, it is called hydroponic