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17h ago

A person's teeth can affect their facial characteristics by contributing to the overall shape and structure of their face. Crooked or misaligned teeth can cause the jaw to appear unbalanced or out of proportion, while missing teeth can lead to sunken cheeks or changes in the bite alignment that may alter facial symmetry. Conversely, well-aligned and healthy teeth can enhance a person's smile and contribute to a more harmonious facial appearance.

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Q: How can a person's teeth effect their facial characteristics?
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What facial bone articulates with teeth?

Teeth are located in the alveolar processes of the maxilla and the mandible. The facial bone that articulates with the teeth would be the maxilla.

Which cells would you expect mitosis to occur more often adult persons skin or adult persons teeth?

The skin is always shedding and has to be constantly replaced from lower layers. The teeth are not being replaced. They are eroded and not rebuilt as we age.

Why is the maxillae considered the keystone of the facial bones?

The maxillae are considered the keystone of the facial bones because they form the upper jaw and carry the upper teeth. They also articulate with many other facial bones, providing structural support to the mid-face and connecting the facial skeleton together. Their central position and connection to various facial structures make them integral to the overall architecture of the face.

What is the difference between natural and artificial dentition?

Natural dentition refers to the teeth that a person develops in their mouth. Artificial dentition refers to prosthetic teeth that are implanted or attached to replace missing natural teeth. Artificial dentition can be made of materials like porcelain, metal, or acrylic.

What 2 facial bones do you need for chewing and grinding?

The mandible (lower jaw bone) and the maxilla (upper jaw bone) are the two facial bones needed for chewing and grinding. The mandible moves up and down during chewing, while the maxilla provides support and stability for the teeth.

Related questions

What facial bone articulates with teeth?

Teeth are located in the alveolar processes of the maxilla and the mandible. The facial bone that articulates with the teeth would be the maxilla.

What are the characteristics of a human teeth?

There are 3 characteristics of human teeth -thecodontheterodontdiphiodont

What is features does Pluto have?

Pluto has loads of facial facial features it has a beard, a unibrow, a beard and buck teeth!

Can impacted and partially impacted wisdom teeth cause facial spasms?

Not as far as i know. I had all 4 of wisdom teeth impacted and i wasnt having facial spasms. If your wisdom teeth are impacted, you need to get them extracted as soon as possible

What has huge teeth and only one facial expression?

A skull.

Is the enamel on a persons teeth alive?


Which cells would you expect mitosis to occur more often adult persons skin or adult persons teeth?

The skin is always shedding and has to be constantly replaced from lower layers. The teeth are not being replaced. They are eroded and not rebuilt as we age.

What are the characteristics of Gears?

they have teeth

How the water effect the teeth?

water does not really have an effect on teeth because there isn't anything in it to harm your teeth.

Which four teeth are the last to grow in a persons mouth?

The wisdom teeth.

Can bones grow over a persons teeth?


Why does Taylor Swift look like a white horse?

Taylor Swift is a popular singer and songwriter. Some may say she looks like a white horse due to her stature and facial expressions. Persons with big teeth, a slim slender body, and long hair are often referred to as horses by persons who do not care for them.