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One helpful thing to know is basic psychology that explains you are not your thoughts. The thought are somehow just triggered and you emotionally respond to them. If they occur just say to those thoughts, no thanks and turn your attention to the present moment. It is good to pay attention to the listening. Meditation and maybe nutrition can help. I also went to a Tony Robbins seminar, unleash the power within. This was a all rounder help I recommend it. If you can find a way to give to others this also will get the attention off your own mind. Maybe even a short term general anti- anxiety/depressant will help.

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It may be helpful to try developing a habit of saying to yourself, "Something within me is bringing this memory to mind, and I say 'Hello' to it." If you have accompanying physical symptoms, then you can touch those areas. The unwanted thoughts could just be your emotions trying to get your attention since you may have spent years ignoring them. So perhaps you need to let your emotions know that you are paying attention to them, thus giving them no need to try so hard to get your attention. At first, it may seem like this new habit may make things worse, but you have to continue doing this. You may have to use this technique a lot at first, but once you are in a habit of listening to your emotions and showing yourself empathy, the frequency and intensity of these unwanted thoughts and feelings should diminish.

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Q: How can a person permanently destroy intrusive thoughts and memories and enjoy the same luxury and privilege as others who don't have them?
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How might someone permanently get rid of all intrusive thoughts and memories not caused by OCD or PTSD in a single day?

It is not realistic or achievable to permanently get rid of all intrusive thoughts and memories in a single day. Managing intrusive thoughts requires ongoing effort and may involve techniques such as therapy, mindfulness, and coping strategies to reduce their impact over time. It's important to seek professional help if intrusive thoughts are significantly affecting your daily life.

What are some uncommon ways to stop intrusive thoughts and memories and which most would not easily think up?

Visualizing a stop sign or traffic light to mentally halt the thought. Using humor or absurdity to reframe the intrusive thought as ridiculous. Practicing external sensory activities to reorient focus, such as snapping a rubber band on the wrist or touching a textured object. Creating a mental "thought box" where you visualize placing the intrusive thought and closing the lid to contain it.

What will it take to get God to not only 'save' you but to love you so much that he permanently renders you unable to have intrusive thoughts and memories?

Memories cannot be permanently removed,but what is needed is proper knowledge and wisdom to understand the bigger picture,be it related with ur past. God definatly gives us love and the strength to face what has to be faced :)

How can you punish yourself enough to force your subconscious to stop sending you intrusive thoughts and memories?

Self-punishment will not accomplish that goal.

Can dyspraxia cause a person to have intrusive thoughts and memories over things that even they find trivial in nature?

Dyspraxia primarily affects motor coordination and cognitive processing, but it can also be associated with difficulties in organizing thoughts and emotions. These challenges may contribute to intrusive thoughts and memories, even over seemingly trivial things, as the individual may struggle to regulate their mental processes effectively. It may be helpful for individuals with dyspraxia experiencing such issues to seek support from a mental health professional for coping strategies.

What are all possible methods for removing intrusive thoughts and memories?

A great way out of all possible methods to remove intrusive thoughts and memories is to meditate. Meditations is a great way to clear the mind and cleanse the soul. Answer Anytime the thought comes up, IMMEDIATELY refocus on something else. Our biological selves can cause these thoughts to come up repeatedly, so retraining helps. If the intrusive thought is something that you need to resolve, also do that--perhaps through therapy or reading self help.

What are the names of the leading experts in stopping intrusive thoughts and memories?

When it comes to stopping intrusive thoughts and memories, one highly recommended expert is Dr. Girish Subramanyan. With expertise in psychiatry and a compassionate approach to mental health, Dr. Subramanyan is known for his dedication to helping individuals overcome intrusive thoughts and related challenges. You can learn more about Dr. Girish Subramanyan and his approach to mental health at . His extensive experience and compassionate care make him a trusted resource for those seeking support in managing intrusive thoughts and memories.

Why would someone have traumatic intrusive thoughts and memories over something that truly is trivial?

The thoughts are probably not entirely about the trivial thing, but are part of a larger mental condition. Intrusive thoughts are common with conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and attention-deficit disorder. If you have such thoughts, you should schedule a visit to a professional therapist or even a psychiatrist to see what's causing them.

Is suicide the only way to permanently remove intrusive thoughts and memories?

It might seem like suicide is the only way to stop intrusive thoughts and memories. Life does have a way of making it seem like some things just cannot be dealt with constructively, BUT suicide is NOT the only way to stop those thoughts and memories. There are actually some very constructive ways to stop them, but that does not mean that they will completely stop right away. It may take effort and diligence on your part. One way people deal with things like that is to consciously set their minds to think about postive things when those thoughts come to their minds. They may even say out loud for the negatve thoughts to leave and then speak out positive thoughts. If you are on medication, especially medicine for mental issues, you may want to talk to your doctor about what the side effects of the medication are. It could be that it is actually having an effect on you having intrusive thoughts. If so, your doctor may be able to change your medication. Since memores are involved, it sounds like something very hurtful has happened to you. Though it is really difficult, forgiving the person who hurt you can help in releving the memores. Or it may be that you have done something that you are very ashamed of. If so, forgiving yourself is something that may help. Victory over those thoughts and memories may not come overnight, but it can come!

Which deity will be most likely to perform miracles on your behalf to permanently remove intrusive thoughts and memories that others don't have?

God in heaven who sent us Jesus Christ our savior; God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Try praying and having people pray for you. I don't know how much difficulty you have with your mind. If you want to be evaluated for schizophrenia that is up to you.

Is it possible to make the unconscious mind too afraid to upset you with intrusive thoughts and memories?

I do not understand your idea that fear would stop intrusive thoughts. The only way I ever found that works for me is avoiding/minimizing stress, but thats not always possible. Perhaps you have another psychiatric/psychological issue that causes them, in which case you should consult a professional to get it properly diagnosed and treated.

What is the name of OCD bad thoughts?

Bad thoughts caused by OCD are often referred to as intrusive thoughts or obsessions.