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Q: How can a physician detect vagal stimulation on a depressed person?
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What is the minimum amount of stimulation a person needs to detect a stimulus 50 percent of the time?

That is called "Absolute threshold"

The minimum amount of stimulation a person needs to detect a stimulus 50 percent of the time is called?

absolute threshold

The minimum amount of stimulation a person needs to detect a stimulus 50 percent of the time is called the?

absolute threshold

How do you know whether the guy you love is going take you back or not he also has depression?

A depressed person is easy to detect. The other situation is also easy to detect. Watching his behavior is enough to get at a conclusion.

How neurotransmitter level is found out?

Personally I don't think it is possible to detect the levels of all neurotransmitters, because they are constantly being altered , except on a depressed person in which serotonin normal level drops to a lower one. But there is no needing to determine its level because a psychiatrist can tell when a person is depressed.

What is a physician's role in euthanasia or physician assisted suicide?

The physician's role is to certify the person has a terminal illness with only a short time to live, is in pain that cannot be controlled without heavy application of opioids or other high-octane medications and to give the person a referral to a psychiatrist to verify the person is not depressed or suffering from other mental illness. If the person meets the criteria to access physician-assisted suicide, the physician is responsible for writing the prescription for a lethal dose of medications - the person who is choosing to die must voluntarily administer the medications to him/herself.

Can a person be depressed from stress?

Yes, A person can become so stressed that they are depressed

How to Motivate a depressed person?

By comforting the person

How behavioral psychology explain depression?

If what a depressed person does is quantifiable and observable, and it is, then that which is quantifiable and observable is a behavior. If a person is depressing, that is, acting depressed, the behaviors manifested are subject to being changed. If you are not acting depressed, are you depressed? How would we know?

Does a person have to look depressed to be depressed?

Absolutely not! Many depressed persons pretend not to be depressed so as not to upset their family and friends. Its possible to be quite good at this role playing.

What are the causes if a person uses drugs?

The person could be depressed.

What is the signal detection theory?

a theory predicting how and when we detect the presence of a faint stimulus ("signal") amid background stimulation ("noise"). Assumes there is no signal absolute threshold and detection depends partly on a person's experience, expectations, motivation, and level of fatigue.