

How can a puffin carry 50 fish?

Updated: 11/13/2022
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Q: How can a puffin carry 50 fish?
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Puffin Books's population is 50.

Are Puffin Omnivores?

No. They eat fish and zooplankton.

What bird carrys fish in its mouth?

All birds that eat fish will carry them in their mouths (that is where birds carry all food they get). There are many, many species of birds that eat fish, so it would be hard to answer your question more specifically.

Is a puffin carnivore?

Yes, puffins feed mainly on sandeels which are a type of fish.

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that they are fish

What does horned puffin eat?

The main diet of the Horned Puffin is fish. They also eat squid and zooplankton. Adult puffins can dive over 80 feet in the water to catch fish.

What does the horned puffin eat?

The Atlantic Puffin eats fish, sand eels, squid, Herrings, sprats, zooplankton, crustaceans, mollusks and occasionally even shrimp.

How can puffins carry 28 fish or 50 sand ells?

they have a mussel on the roof of they're beak

How do large gulls eat puffins or puffin eggs?

Large puffins cannot eat puffins or puffin eggs. They do scare puffins and annoy them but only to make them drop their fish that they have caught. They really do not eat the puffins; they just want the fish that they have caught.

What are the puffers predators?

Sharks are one of the predators of the puffer fish. The shark can eat the fish without being harmed by the toxins from the fish. Other fish are also predators but they will usually be killed by the toxins.

What does bird puffin eat?

They feed on whatever they can catch by diving into the water; mainly small fish.

What do puffin eat?

MAINLY FISH ex: sand eels, herring, and ect.