

Best Answer

Adjust tragectory. Then slingshot. For ex.voyager2

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Q: How can a rocket be made to go higher?
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What effect does pressure have on a bottle rocket?

it pushes the rocket into the air to make it go higher.

Does a smaller water rocket go higher than a bigger one?

yes because a heavy rocket will not go high yes because a heavy rocket will not go high

How do you think your bottle rocket will fly?

by water being placed into the bottle and then, when you launch your rocket, the rocket will spin (if it has at least 2 fins) and the water will spurt out and make the rocket go higher in the air. (Tip:the more it spins,the higher it will fly)

Will lemon juice make the rocket go higher than the vinegar?

no it wil not

Does water rocket go higher with more or less water?

use your head

How does the size affect the flight of a rocket?

A small rocket might go higher because a smaller rocket has less weight

Which country made rocket 1st?

USSR's Sputnik was the first rocket to go to space successfully probably ade a lot before though.

What is the main advantage of a multistage rocket?

that the total weight of the rocket is greatly reduced as the rocket rises

What was one important dicision Neil Armstrong made?

to go up on the rocket ship

What does a gyroscope do for a rocket?

A gyroscope will use the principle of angular momentum to do one or both of two things for a rocket. 1. Stabilize the rocket in terms of pitch, thereby limiting the amount of fin surface area that is required. 2. Minimize roll, allowing the rocket to go higher and faster.

How do you get the spaceship number higher in emerald?

Everyday a rocket passes and you can go to the ship if the flight is flight 100 and if you have a latias or a latios

What is the difference between a long rocket fin and a short rocket fin?

A longer fin has increased aerodynamic drag. The geometric relationship between the drag caused by the fins and the center of gravity of the rocket determine the stability of the rocket in flight. Less aerodynamic drag means the rocket can go higher or farther, but it also means the rocket is less stable in flight. This tradeoff has to be considered in the design of the rocket.