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Where no matter exists, there is nothing to interfere with the rocket's motion through space. A body in motion tends to remain in motion, and if nothing interferes with that motion, the body will continue to move.

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Q: How can a rocket move through space where no matter exist?
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The conservation of momentum is such that, when a rocket throws fuel and gas out of its thrusters, in order to maintain equilibrium, the rocket moves forwards to counter the motion backwards of the propellant.

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A rocket.

Can there be an absence of matter?

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Space is essentially a vacuum. Sound needs a medium to travel through to be heard. Therefore the sound of a rocket engine cannot be heard in space.

Why light can pass through empty space?

Basically, light is NOT a mechanical wave, which would require matter; it is an electromagnetic wave, which means that disturbances in the electric field and the magnetic field propagate. This requires no matter; such fields exist - and can propagate - in empty space.