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by doing a little dance, making a little love and get down tonight. also the ectoplasms involved in the star fishes digestive system cause them to stretch. by doing a little dance, making a little love and get down tonight. also the ectoplasms involved in the star fishes digestive system cause them to stretch.

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Q: How can a starfish survive with such short intestines?
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Do starfish need sunlight to survive?

Hell no

Is a starfish endangered?

Starfish are not on the endangered list. However, starfish like other marine animals depend on a healthy ocean environment to survive.

Is a starfish a predator or a pray?

To survive a starfish is a predator. However it can also be prey. By the way it is "prey" not "pray".

Why do starfish live in water?

StarfishNo. No known type of starfish can survive in freshwater. But Starfish can live on land or in other water. They can live some in the ocean, some not, and a lot in shallow cold water.

What conditions do starfish prefer?

Starfish need to be in saltwater in order to survive. They prefer to live in places that are rocky and textured.

Could a Starfish survive in the desert?

no because it would dehydrate and could not survive because hyenas would eat it

What is the function of my small intestines?

Your small intestines absorb the food and nutrients as well as the water you take in. You can not survive without most of it.

Can starfish survive in a fish tank with fresh water fish?

No. They are too weak to get along and they do not have fins so they can only stay at the seabed.

Can a starfish survive in sea salt water?

Yes because it already lives there .

What if the maggot eggs survive and they hatch in your large intestines?

Fly maggots and their eggs could not survive in your large intestine.

How are starfish and plants relative?

They both have to have water to survive. A plant has to have water and if the starfish gets taken out of water for a long period of time it will die.

Why starfish don't have brain?

Because Starfish are Inverterbrites, nature has made it so they dont require a brain to survive. In effect this means that all the processes that happen inside are starfish are very simple and interconnected