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It's roots can grow and push through rocks and eventually breack them.

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Q: How can a tree become apart of a weathering process?
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What is the name for tree roots forming out of rocks?

Biological weathering; Its a type of weathering which involves the breaking apart and disintegration of rocks throught the process of tree roots out growth or development by opening of cracks, joints and faults in rocks.

Is tree roots a direct cause of of mechanical weathering?

Tree roots can cause mechanical weathering. Roots will start to grow into cracks in rocks and eventually this will cause the rock to break apart. This is known as mechanical weathering.

Students examined a large crack found in a boulder where a tree was growing. which kind of process were the students observing?


Are humans a part of the natural process?

NO humans are not apart of the natural process because natural means (nature)we are apart of some tipe of grass or tree or something.

What is mechanical wearthering?

Mechanical weathering is the process of weathering that causes disintegration in rocks but does not change the chemical compound of the rocks. Things like frost, rivers, and tree roots cause mechanical weathering. A large example of this would be the Grand Canyon in Arizona.

How both tree roots and prairie dogs mechanically weather rocks?


How do tree roots break rocks into smaller pieces.?

If a plant has roots that are inside cracks inside a rock, the roots can force deeper into the rock as the roots and the plant continue to grow, splitting the rock apart over time. This can happen when trees grow near pavements (cracks in the tarmac).

What type of weathering is crack in the sidewalk?

if its near a tree then the roots of the tree make the sidewalk crack. i am in sixth grade and i know this! You are dumb, it would be mechanical weathering.

How do tree roots and ice mechanically weather rock?

Mechanical weathering is caused by ice by water seeping into a crack in, say, a rock. The water then freezes, pushing the crack a little wider. And next time, even wider. And so on. This process is called ice wedging. Mechanical weathering is caused by growing roots in a similar way. The roots grow bigger and bigger. As they grow larger, they push the soil and anything inside it apart.

How do you determine if a species is extinct on a phylogenetic tree?

Evolution is a process where populations are altered over time and may split into branches, hybridize, or become extinct. The evolutionary branching process may be depicted as a phylogenetic tree, the placement on this tree determines extinction.

Does a tree have a trunk for support?

It is apart or the bottom of a tree

What does chemical weathering do?

Chemical weathering is acid rain. If it rains onto carbonate rocks e.g. limestone, they undergo a chemical reaction. This breaks down the rock.Biological weathering is animals and plants. Rabbits burrow under rocks which weakens them. Tree roots grow through rocks and weaken them. Weak rock breaks up easily.Hope this helps x