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Q: How can an Endergonic reaction not be Endothermic?
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A chemical reaction that absorbs free energy?

Can be called endothermic.

What kind of reaction is photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is a Endergonic/Endothermic reaction.

A chemical reaction that requires a net input of energy?

"Activation Energy reactions"; Endothermic reactions require energy.

Is dehydration synthesis an exergonic or endergonic reaction?

Dehydration synthesis is endergonic because it requires energy

Difference between endothermic and endergonic?

Endergonic means "absorbing energy in the form of work." Endergonic reactions are not spontaneous. An exergonic reaction is a chemical reaction where the change in the free energy is negative, indicating a spontaneous reaction.

Is photosynthesis an exothermic or endothermic reaction?

Yes photosynthesis is a endergonic process i.e. energy-requiring process.

What is a reaction called in which heat energy is absorbed?

when energy is absorbed it is called an endergonic reaction and when energy is released it is called an exergonic reaction

What is a chemical reaction in which more energy is taken in than given off?

Exothermic Reaction

A reaction that absorbs energy is called?

Endothermic-take in Heat, as opposed to exothermic which gives off heat-like a fire or explosion.

A reaction is taking place in a beaker and the outside of the beaker goes very cold What kind of reaction is taking place?


What is the opposite of a reaction releasing energy?

A reaction releasing energy is called an exergonic reaction, so the opposite of the would be a reaction that needs energy to take place, called an endergonic reaction. These are also known as exothermic and endothermic reactions.

What is the differences between exothermic reaction and endergonic reaction?

exothermic reaction releases energy and endergonic reaction absorbs energy