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flamingo balance, balance board test, one legged stand, standing balance test

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Q: How can balance be tested?
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What kind of false claims was Power Balance forced to retract?

Power Balance create hologram bracelets. They were forced to retract claims that their product improved one's strength, balance and flexibility when it was scientifically tested.

When you tested the pH of lemon juice it was?

Generally speaking, the pH balance of a lemon is 2 - 2.3. It's a very acidic substance.

What is normal investigation done for urine?

Urine is tested for the following in a laboratory: Sugar, blood, protein, white blood cells, and bacteria. The presence of these in your urine is usually the symptom of a problem. Also the urine PH balance (acidity) is tested.

Who can balance a soccer ball on there feet the longest boys or girls?

It is girls. This is a true fact as 64 of the 100 people tested were girls and they completed it.

Why is it difficult to assess balance disorders?

What I came up with.. - symptoms overlap with other diseases/disorders - other disorders have balance disorder as a symptom - many factors contribute to balance (strength, flexibility, vision, meds etc) therefore a lot is to be looked at and tested for; may require time and equipment

Does it matter what your pH of your saliva is?

The PH of your saliva tested at various times throughout the day can reflect the acidity or alkalinity of your body. If you care about this balance, then it matters.

Why is my Swimming pool soapy on top?

It could be out of balance chemically; it could have a dirty filter or it may have too much algaecide. Have you tested the pH lately.

Does chlorine smell from the pool mean that more chlorine is needed?

No it means that your water balance is incorrect. Get the water tested at the pool shop unless you know how to do it yourself and you will need to make chemical adjustments.

Functions of cerebellum in nervous system?

The most important function of the cerebellum (if your a student the most you will probably be tested on in a gen bio class) is the control of balance and fine motor function, like walking.

What two ways could a die be tested to see if its fair?

Two ways a die could be tested for fairness are empirical and analytic. In the empirical method, you throw the die a large number of times and measure the distribution of the results - they should be evenly distributed within whatever level of tolerance (based on number of trials) that you want. In the analytic method, you measure the dimensions of the die with extremely accurate equipment. This must include checks for physical symmetry and balance. Balance is checked with a balance beam that allows the die to be rotated about various axes to make sure the center of gravity is in the center of the die.

Which is correct tested dermatologically or dermatologically tested?

Dermatologically tested, I think.

What eye shadows aren't tested on animals?

Eye shadows aren't tested on animals as animals have a different skin type to humans. The pH balance and chemicals present are different to those found on human skin, this means that the eye shadows may have a different reaction on their skin. It is also against animal cruelty acts.