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Q: How can blood diffuse into and out of capillaries?
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How does alveoli help two gases diffuse quickly into and out of the blood?

They have capillaries close to their surfaces.

Why does oxygen diffuse in and carbon dioxide diffuse out?

In the alveoli, oxygen diffuses into the blood that the capillaries carry due to a concentration gradient that exists there as oxygen conc is higher in the alveolar sacs than in the blood capillaries. Similarly carbon dioxide diffuses out of the blood capillaries into the alveolar sacs down the concentration gradient. The constant flow of blood is there to ensure this concentration gradient is established at all times.

What does the alveoli and blood capillaries have in common?

they are both one cell thick to let the gases diffuse

What are blood vessels called that surround the nephron loop?

Renal capillaries, aka the glomerulus, where nitrogenous wastes and excess water in the blood plasma diffuse over to the nephron to be filtered and excreted.

Will O2 diffuse from air to blood or from blood to the alveolar air?

It will be absorbed from the air into your lungs. Then when it reachs the alveolus it will diffuse from the alveolus into the blood capillaries down an oxygen concentration through diffusion where it will combine with the heamoglobin in the Red Blood Cells.

What blood vessels do the exchange of gases occur?

the blood vessel which allows gas exchange to occur is the capillaries

The movement of nutrients into the bloodstream?

Absorption is the process by which nutrients are moved into lymph and blood.

Do alveoli have C shaped rings around them?

Alveoli are surrounded by capillaries so that the oxygen can diffuse into the blood and carbon dioxide can diffuse out. I think it depends on the shape of the alveoli to the path of the capillary.

What kind of blood vessels allow substances to enter and leave the blood easily around the cells?

Capillaries. they have such thin walls that substances can easily diffuse through them.

How long is blood in lung capillaries in contact with air?

Blood in the capillaries are never in direct contact with air. Blood in contact with air is called bleeding. Oxygen, carbon dioxide (and other gases) diffuse across the alveolar and capillary walls to enter the blood stream (and leave).

Why do you need capillaries?

Arteries carry blood to the tissues, and veins carry blood back to the heart. In betweenare tiny blood vessels so small that red blood cells can pass through single file, allowingthe oxygen to diffuse into the surrounding tissue. These are called capillaries.

Does carbon dioxide diffuse from the capillaries to the alveoli?

yes while oxygen then diffuses into the blood, and carbon dioxide diffuses out. it's a chain