

How can boys make puberty start earlier?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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You can't. You will start puberty when you are ready. If you're concerned, talk to your dad. Don't be embarrassed to ask questions!

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Q: How can boys make puberty start earlier?
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When do most boys go hit puberty?

11-17 years of age

Does eating more meat make you start puberty earlier?

No. Actually, if you eat too much meat, this would delay it because you need a well balenced diet to go through puberty.

You are 14 5 foot 8 inch 160lbs you have started puberity but your penis is not growing it is 3-0-3-5 inch errect so why isn't it growing?

Some boys start puberty earlier than others, and some progress through the stages of puberty faster than others. The growth of the penis does not start until the second half of puberty. So it is probably that you are about to start growing soon. If you are concerned about it, you could make an appointment with your pediatrician. They will be able to examine you and figure out if there is anything that could be preventing the growth.

Who grows faster boys or girls boys why do you think that happens?

It depends on what you define as "faster". Girls hit puberty at an earlier age than boys (before that growth is fairly similar between both boys and girls) and so they start growing earlier. This is why girls are often taller than boys of the same age when they are in their early teens. However, boys catch up, and do so very quickly! Usually teenage boys will experience growth spurts around their mid-to-late teens. Testosterome, the hormone that causes puberty in boys, also causes them to grow taller and develop muscles, which is why they eventually overtake the girls. To Make This Question Easier To Understand Girls Are Better Then Boys Because Without Girls Boys Would Not Be Around! (That Is Also Why I Think The Adam And Eve Story Is NOT True!)

Does the start of puberty in boys make them overly emotional?

Not generally. Boys usually just get on with it without hardly noticing anything different. Of course there will always be some that for puberty is emotionally problematic. Social and home life could be a cause for this, or medical concerns and disorders can take an effect too.

What make puberty happen?

A: An increase in several types of hormones cause puberty to start

Where should you be in puberty?

Girls start puberty from 8-12 years old.Boys start puberty from 9-15 years old.During puberty, it is normal to get a lot more hair on your body. Boys and Girls voices change during puberty, but its much more noticeable in Boys. And when your voice changes, you won't hear any different when you talk, only the people around you will notice. If your a boy, you will get a lot more muscles. Boys and Girls will start getting very oily skin during puberty. That will cause pimples, so make sure you clean any oily skin. During puberty it is very normal to have sexual thoughts, so if you get them don't be nervous or mad at yourself. To get rid of those thoughts, try to think of a math problem in your head, or take slow breathes. Many boys will start to masturbate a few months after starting puberty. That IS a problem, because it will cause headaches, and it takes away a lot of energy, causing you to feel weak. The first thing that happens to Boys during puberty is their testicles get a lot bigger. When that happens Boys will have to get certain clothing so that there isn't a bulge in their pants. Girls will start getting periods during puberty. During a period, small amounts of blood leak out of a girls butt. It is normal, and it will continue for many more years.

What is the average age Puberty begins?

Average age Puberty begins:Girls will normally start at 10 or 11-years-old but can start earlier or later.Boys will normally start at 12 or 13-years-old but can start earlier or later.Most children will begin Puberty to this scale, but it would not be abnormal to be a little earlier or later beginning.Precocious (Early)Puberty:It should be noted that in a very few cases Puberty can begin before 8-years-old for a girl and 10-years-old for a boy. If there are signs that puberty has begun earlier than these then you should consult a doctor for a check-up and possible blood test to make sure all is well.Delayed Puberty:If Puberty has not begun by 3 years after the above average scale then you should consult a doctor for a check-up and possible blood test. They will then be able to tell you if you need hormone replacement treatment to hurry it along.Puberty usually runs for around 4 years for girls and 6 years for boys but it varies.First signs of puberty:Girls, will first notice their breast buds, they may feel firm and be a little sore. They will begin to grow pubic hair, and they will get their menarche (first period). Their hips will begin to broaden.Boys, a growth spurt, testes enlarging, pubic hair.Both will begin to be interested in sexual behaviours.Change of voice is the earliest indication of puberty.

How do you go into puberty?

Puberty in a natural process that starts for girl between the ages 9-14 and for boys between 13-15.You need to be paitent and wait. Your time will come.There are some foods like chicken that have added hormones that may make you start puberty eairler than usual.

Is their average with arm pit hair at 11 years old?

Do you mean "does the average 11 year old (boy) have armpit hair?" If that is the question I'd say probably not. However puberty is a very variable process. The average age at which boys start puberty is 12 or 13 but the average range which is considered normal for puberty to begin is anything between 9 years of age and the late teens. The order in which boys go through the various stages of puberty can also be different for different boy. You have obviously started puberty fairly early and you can consider yourself lucky. Nearly all boys will have to go through puberty at some point and as you've started early you are likely to finish earlier too. So, you are unlikely to be the unfortunate 16 year old who other boys make fun of in the school showers for still having a childishly small penis, no pubic hair and a high pitched voice.

How old do boys have to be before they get come?

Boys can experience orgasms at most any age (even when they're infants), but they won't ejaculate (cum, or come) until they reach puberty - which usually happens between the ages of 11-15. Some reach puberty a year or two earlier, and some don't reach puberty until they're a couple of years older. If a boy has not reached puberty or is unable to ejaculate by age 17, it is usually recommended that he sees his family doctor to make sure that there is not some other problem.

What effect does malnutrition have on puberty?

It can make puberty not start or stop it when it's started. Menstruation can stop for girls.