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sometimes it can be so stressful and its makes people do really bad things to themself because of the harmful things people say or do to them .

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Q: How can bullying make someone think of ending life?
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Why you should kill yourself from Bullying or Cyber-Bullying?

On the contrary, you should not kill yourself because of bullying or cyber-bullying. There are much better solutions to those problems. Your life still has value, and there is no reason to let the bullies win by destroying you. if you do feel like this it is ALWAYS best to tell someone else what you are thinking, ensuring of course it's an adult you tell. Nothing is EVER that bad in this life that cannot be sorted or worth taking your own life for, after all there is only one of you and you are special, you already have won the race to life, so don't throw that away, life is special and precious to us all.

What happens after death if someone kills themselves from Bullying or Cyber Bullying?

If you are a Christian then suicide is suppose to be a sin. If you are of no faith there is no answer to be had once someone has died. Most people often wonder where they will actually go once they die from either a terminal illness; accident or old age. Killing oneself is not the answer to get even with bullies because bullies have no morals; they probably wouldn't care, but your family and other friends would go through hell missing that person and it is important for that victim of bullying to realize that they are much loved by family and friends even if they don't feel like they are loved. It is important to talk to someone such as a school counselor; Pastor; parents or trusted friend. More and more States in the United States and Provinces in Canada are putting programs together (involving the police) to stop any type of bullying. Some schools in the United States and Canada have the good students starting programs to protect victims of bullying. Bullying is the number one topic even in the media and more and more people are become more proactive to protect the victims of bullying and also to change the laws that bullies who are minors can be charged and pay for any psychological or physical damage to a victim of bullying and also be responsible for the death of a victim of bullying. If someone kills themselves over bullying then they are letting the bully win. It is important for the victim of bullying to realize much more is being done to help and the victim has to only reach out and touch someone for help. Once through school and the victim is no longer a minor the memories of being bullied will fade and that person will have a good life syle and be stronger for surviving the bullying.

What would the devil do to someone if the bully laughed at them after the victim committed suicide?

If one believes in the devil then 'the devil made me do it' as the devil is the cause for those that open up to him. If one believes in the devil then they must believe in God and that person who laughs after someone has been bullied or cyber bullied after that victim of bullying has taken their own life the bully or bullies will pay a high price come judgement day, but even before that, the bully or bullies will be frowned upon and ostracized by their own peers. Most people think that anyone that would laugh over someone taking their own life over bullying has brain cells missing and will be banished from being around normal people. These types of people have no morals. Programs are in effect to protect the victims of bullying and laws are changing so hopefully soon in many States in the U.S. (New Jersey having the toughes bullying laws) and Canadian Provinces the bully or bullies will get prison time for either first or second degree murder!

What are the applications of integration in real life?

The integration of application is used in real life when applied to the psychology of group dynamics and the effects of bullying to weaker members of a group.

Can Cats Commit Suicide?

technically anything or everything can commit sucide, but i don't think an animal would even think of ending it's life since it is not like a human who let's its pain and sorrow oppress it. Hope this helps

Related questions

How can Cyber-Bullying make someone think of ending life if people are being mean to them?

Cyberbullying is like any other kind of bullying. The meanness and cruelty can bring about feelings of despair and worthless in the person being bullied. Some kinds of bullying can bring about fear. If the feelings become too great and the despair too deep, it can cause someone to think about ending their life. Some may even try to convince you that your life isn't worth it, or to kill yourself before they do. It may scare certain people, and some actually fall for it. Don't ever listen to someone telling you that stuff, you don't even know them!

How can cyber bullying be so dangerous?

The fact that someone is bullying someone else is all that matters. The victim may do something to themselves to stop the bullying if they are desperate enough. This could be something very dangerous or life-threatening even.

Why is bullying unhealthy?

bullying can traumatize the victim but usually if a person is bullying they are upset themselves and take it out on other people. it is unhealthy because it can teach other people bad habits and can ruin someone's life

Why do you think some kids turn into bullies and please Discuss emotional versus physical bullying and which you feel is more harmful?

I think kids who have had trauma in their life turn to bullying because it's their way to release stress/pain. It depends on the second thing. I find physical bullying obviously physically and (normally) short term hurtful but very very bad, and emotional bullying (if what they say is true) can scar you for life.

What are all of the racist terms for a Mexican?

WikiAnswers does not condone bullying. Using ugly slang terms for someone from another country or of another way of life is bullying. WikiAnswers will not give you slang terms to bully someone, nor do we condone racism.

Is victorious ending in real life?

No I don't think it is..

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Bullying, Life, Bullying

What are the rights of bullying?

There is no Rights to bullying . Bullying is mean , it will get you no were in life . Bullying is because they either have problems at home and like to feel better about there selves by feeling powerful. But at the end they always get into trouble later in life.

How do you stop bullying little kids?

If you feel you are acting in a bullying way, you need to talk to someone you can trust and try to explain why you do it.There's probably something going on in your life that's making you take it out on somebody else.Some things to think about if you're bullying somebody:If you can work out your own problems it might make you stop bullying completely. Think about the pain and upset you are causing to the person you're picking on. It could be seriously affecting their day-to-day lifeSome people who are bullied can feel they have nowhere to turn and there have been cases where those on the receiving end of bullying have taken their own life. Could you handle that on your conscience? Imagine how scared you would feel if the bullying were happening to youYou need to act as soon as you can before things get out of hand. If you carry on, you run the risk of a complaint being made about you. Is it worth getting into trouble?You'll probably be much happier in yourself and more popular if you stop bullying. Be mature enough to stop and think about what you are doingBullying won't win you any friends; it just makes people scared of youIf you think you're bullying others, try and get to the bottom of why you're acting that way. Is there a reason you're taking out your anger or frustration on someone else? Talk to someone you trust and try to work things out.Bullying is wrong and nobody deserves to be bullied. One day, you could be in a different position as the target of bullying. You need to stop before you get into trouble.

Why doesn't bullying stop?

bullying NEVER stops its a part of life & nature

How do you say your a fail in french?

vous êtes un échec aha, are you bullying a kid or someone! Get a life and download google translator:L

When does bullying happen in hoot?

normally bullying happens when someone is upset about something or is sad at home. it can also be because the bully has been bullied before and they want to get revenge on someone random. or another reason could be that the person who is bullying you just wants to hurt someone's feelings to see what it is like! if you want to put a stop to bullying, you can say to the bully, it's such a shame that you have a sad life a home- or is this reason something else weird? seeya! so glad to help all of you!! xxx