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There is no Rights to bullying . Bullying is mean , it will get you no were in life . Bullying is because they either have problems at home and like to feel better about there selves by feeling powerful. But at the end they always get into trouble later in life.

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Q: What are the rights of bullying?
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Should bullying be a federal crime?

Anti-bullying laws generally tend to tread rather heavily on First Amendment rights, so, in general, no. Certain specific types of bullying may be illegal.

When someone hits you and makes you cry everyday is it called bullying?

This is absolutely bullying. It is unacceptable and is a human rights violation. Find an adult you trust and tell them what is happening. You need to take action to stop this.

Is homophobic bullying illegal?

If it is an action taken based solely on the fact that the person being ostracized (or bullied if you prefer) is gay, then it can be a civil rights violation (hate crime) depending upon the nature of the bullying.

Why does society see bullying as wrong?

Abusing children, molesting them, and teasing them....etc. Two Words... "Human Rights"

Which are the three types of bullying?

The three types of bullying are physical bullying, verbal bullying and cyber bullying.

What are some topics on bullying?

Types of bullying (verbal, physical, cyber). Effects of bullying on mental health. Strategies to prevent and address bullying. Role of parents, teachers, and peers in combating bullying.

Is standing up to your self a bad thing in bullying?

No, It's not. standing up to yourself means growing up. and you have the rights to stand up.

What are the most common questions asked about Bullying?

The most common questions asked about Bullying are: "What is school bullying? What are the consequences of school bullying? What can a school community do about bullying? What can teachers do about classroom bullying? What can students do about school bullying? What can parents of young children do about school bullying? What can parents of teens do about school bullying? What can community partners do about school bullying? How can a caring adult work with a bully? How can a school community promote an anti-bullying climate? What is cyber bullying? What can parents do to promote safe use of the internet?"

Bullying is not okay?

Bullying is entirely not ok. It is a human rights violation and no one should have to go through such treatment, emotional or physical. It is important to get help as soon as you can by talking to an adult you can trust.

What part of speech is the word bullying?

Bullying can be used as a noun or a verb. A noun can name a person, place, thing or idea. In the sentence, "She is bullying me", the word bullying is used as a verb. In the sentence "Bullying is not tolerated", the word Bullying is being used as a noun.

Why does my mom get on to me for bullying?

Your mom gets on to you for bullying because, she knows that bullying is not good.

Where can you find statistics on bullying?

you can find statistics on bullying on police pdf's on bullying