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Q: How can clothes affect the appearance of a preson?
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No. ADHD is a neurological problem and doesn't affect your appearance.

Does prolonged xanax use affect your physical appearance?

No... 1mg a day...or even 2mg...a day sometimes.. Has no affect on appearance

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Are there clothes that give the appearance of weight loss?

There are clothes that give the appearance of weight loss. For example, people always say that everyone looks skinnier when you wear dark color of cloth.

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Summer can affect the clothes you wear because when it is hot in the summertime, you usually wear clothes like shorts and tank-tops.

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He Ran Away

How do you change appearance in San Andreas?

*Get a haircut at the barber * Get some tattoos * Buy & change clothes at clothes shops

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Acne is one of the disorders that affect your physical appearance.

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