

How can compost and plant soil be compared?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Air, moisture and nutrient content are ways to compare compost and soil. Soil can be nutrient- and water-deficient in the case of sand and nutrient- and water-retentive in terms of clay and loam. Dark-colored, fresh-smelling, nutrient-rich compost may be added to correct air, moisture and nutrient deficiencies or excesses through amending, fertilizing or mulching actions.

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Q: How can compost and plant soil be compared?
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Which waste is buried in a compost pit?

Any organic plant waste can be composted in a compost heap, and the resulting compost (soil) used in the garden.

How can you improve soil for gardening?

The best way to improve soil for gardening is to use compost. Plants need food and it is better to use compost than fertilizer as long as the compost is aged and the right type for the plant. Test your soil and know what you need.

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Decaying plant and animal matter in the soil are pretty much fertilizer. Once organic matter decomposes it essentially becomes compost. Compost is rich in nutrients and will promote very healthy plant growth.

Why do gardeners add rotted compost to soil?

they do that be cause it it it like food for the plant.

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They eat compost and soil because compost is soil and soil is compost.

Will a plant grow better in potting soil or compost?

This depends on the species of plant. Some plants require different nutrients than others. Your best bet would be to plant in regular soil, and then after some research you can till the soil with the required nutrients.

Can covering soil with compost or mulch near bases of plants reduce soil erosion?

No it's better to plant grass around the plant or place rocks around it.

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The lysosomes is compared to a plant which organelle helps transport fertilizer from the soil to the leaf.

What are the benefits of a compost?

Compost adds nutrients to the soil and loosens the soil.

Why do plants need compost?

Vegetation that appreciate aeration, drainage, and fertility and that interact with soil food web members is the kind of plant that needs compost. Dark-colored, fresh-smelling, nutrient-rich organic material promote proper moisture infiltration and percolation and nutrient levels. The above-mentioned plants respond favorably to the way in which compost improves soil structure and texture.

Can you put soil in compost?

Yes, you can put soil in compost. But try to use soft soil not hard rocky soil

What attracts a flowers growth?

Coffee grinds:) It works for any plant! Also compost is good for any plant(aka black soil).