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Q: How can elie no longer believe yet still insist on the existence of god?
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Some stars might no longer be in existence but one can still see them in the night sky because they are still active.

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Buddhists do not worship any gods. Therefore the answer is never. Many Buddhist believe in beings called Devas who have attained an existence in a higher realm, liver longer and more serene existence but can still fall prey to human failings.

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Extant means: still in existence; not destroyed, lost, or extinct.

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Tokyo, Japan is still in existence.

What Countries beginning and ending in A?

No: Arabia is not a country it's half of 'Saudi Arabia'. We have nine countries in existence today: Austria, Australia, Argentina, Andorra, Algeria, Angola, Antigua (or if you insist Antigua and Barbuda - it still starts and ends with 'a'), Armenia and Albania. Countries like Abyssinia no longer exist so they don't count in the list of existing countries.

If Satan or hell didn't exist in the first place will the people still worship GOD?

Consider for a moment that empirical evidence existed that either proved or disproved God's or Satan's existence. You would no longer have the freedom to believe or disbelieve. It would no longer be a matter of faith but a matter of fact. There is an irony that God and Satan have an equivalent vested interest in our absolute knowing. If there were undisputable proof of the existence of either, then you would have to choose which side of the fence you want to be on. As it stands, this lack of proof is part of God's plan if you believe that life is a test for the afterlife.

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No. They existed for a reason; combating the US/allies. With the (communist) victory in 1975...their reason for existence no longer existed.

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There were seven wonders of the ancient world, one of which is still in existence - the Great Pyramid of Giza. Another would be the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, which is no longer in existence.

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Vatican City. It is known as the smallest working republic still in existence. The runner up, I believe, is San Marino. San Marino, also located inside Italy, is the oldest known republic still in existence.

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If you mean Prussia, it no longer exists. It officially ceased existence in 1947. In the 18th and 19th centuries it was a powerful force in eastern Europe. You may be referring to Russia. It does exist and is still a major power in eastern Europe.

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Myths are stories we do not believe in (any longer). Stories we do believe are not considered myths. The Greek myths were the religion of the ancient Greeks. It has been supplanted by Christianity.