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The amplitude (size) of seismic waves is affected by the material through which they travel. Soft soil and fill causes the seismic wave amplitude to increase and therefore this allows them to cause more damage to structures.

Also soft ground and certain types of soil are prone to a phenomenon known as liquefaction which can cause damage to buildings.

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2d ago

Filled land can amplify seismic waves, increasing the likelihood of damage during an earthquake. Loose soft soil can also amplify ground shaking and potentially cause more severe damage by increasing the ground displacement and potential for liquefaction. Both types of soil can increase the risk of landslides and building collapse during an earthquake.

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Q: How can filled land and loose soft soil affect the amount of damage caused by an earthquake?
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How can filled land and loose soil affect the amount of damage caused by an earthquake explain?

Buildings on filled land has less damages. Buildings on loose or soft soil has more damage.

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The proximity of the epicentre to populated or urban areas will effect the damage caused as the closer the earthquake's epicentre, the more energy will be retained by the earthquake waves and so the greater their capacity to cause damage.

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