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depends on the size of the fish, there might not be enough oxigen in a small fish tank.

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11y ago

well all the stuff that you use to clean a fish tank with if you clean it when the fish is still in there all of the products will get into the lungs

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Q: How can fish die while cleaning a tank?
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Your goldfish just die why is that?

some reasons for fish dying suddenly can be due to shock caused by loud music or contaminates getting in the water. you should unsure the fish are feed and if you have no filter you must unsure you are cleaning out the tank once a week while doing this check pH levels of water to unsure it neutral not acidic . cleaning out the tank will also unsure there is oxygen in the water.

Can you put tank clear in while there are fish?

no! they have sensitive gills and they will die within 24 hours

Can goldfish die from cleaning the tank to much?

Leaving a dead goldfish in your tank will boost ammonia levels.. You dont want ammonia in your tank. It rapidly kills fish

Can you add fish to a cloudy fish tank?

No, because they will die!

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What happen if you put alcohol in a fish tank?

The Fish will die.

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the fish will DIE!!

You put cleaning stuff in your fish bowl with your fish in there is it going to die?

A fish will most likely die if you put a cleaning agent in its fish bowl without removing the fish. You should remove your fish with a net and place it in another safe container until fish bowl is clean.

Should you keep the water in your fish tank if a fish die?

Not unless you had another fish in there.

What would happen if electronsenergy is removed from a fish tank?

the fish mite die, and life in the tank could be reduced

How fish die?

fish die of oldnesss or not well tanked care before you get a fish make sure you know fats about it and mostly get a tank with a filter. i had with that died now that i have a tank with a filternothing happens

What does a fish do when it is not use to the tank?

It will either have to get used to it or die.