

How can floods be controlled?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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Yes floods can be controlled by having counter measures in place for when it happens and by issuing warnings to the people in that area where a potential flood might occur. You can also use sandbags.

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What are two ways floods can be controlled?

building dams and drainage channels

How does UK cope with floods?

The UK has drains and the also have sewers where the flooding water may be maintained. They also have this flooding controlled agency which gets money form the government to help the UK in the time of the floods.

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Natural calamities can be controlled by building preventive structures such as dykes to control floods. They can also be controlled by teaching people ways to protect themselves in case of a calamity.

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Floods can be controlled through forest and soil conservation and by building structures such as levees and dams

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Flash floods are floods that are caused by a storm. Normal floods are caused by non-stop rain.

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The Floods that happen suddenly are called Flash Floods.

What problems did Egyptians face with the Nile river?

The Nile River floods annually, bringing fresh fertilizer to the crops. The floods can not be controlled and would occasionally destroy crops, drown homes, and or overflow the banks to heavily.

How do meteorologists classify floods?

Meteorologists classify floods based on their cause, such as heavy rainfall, snowmelt, or dam failure. They also categorize floods by their severity, which can range from minor to major to catastrophic. Additionally, floods can be classified by the area they affect, such as urban flooding or river flooding.

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Are there floods in Italy?

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FLOODS always start by

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Ans. Havoc is caused by floods