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The UK has drains and the also have sewers where the flooding water may be maintained. They also have this flooding controlled agency which gets money form the government to help the UK in the time of the floods.

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Q: How does UK cope with floods?
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How Bangladesh and UK differ when they cope with floods?

The average elevation above sea level is a lot higher for the UK than for Bangladesh, making UK a lot less exposed. In the event of flooding, fewer UK citizens will be hit, and won't need to move that far to get away from the water. On top of that, UK is a wealthier country, with a lot more resources that can be used to rescue and house those affected by the floods.

How do rich countries cope with floods?

well i think they move to a different place

How can floods be stopped?

By improving the matigation measures

When was Jonathan Cope born?

Jonathan Cope was born in Devon, in England, UK.

How did the floods effect the UK?

by rain!

Where did the floods in UK happen?

in Carpatho-Ukraine

How many floods have there been in the UK?

is 30,000

Difference between Bangladesh floods and UK floods?

The difference(s) between floods in the UK and Bangladesh are in Bangladesh, the dirty and clean water mixes together and contributes to the formation of diseases in the water. This also happens in the UK; however, the UK can afford to buy clean water for drinking in these cases.

How does Bangladesh cope with floods relate to Pakistan?

With Specialised buildings that are on stilts that allow water to pass underneath.

Is it risky to live in the UK because of floods?

No. Floods usuually only occur in well documented areas.

What are the similarities between UK flood and Pakistan flood?

the uk floods were caused by heavy rain and the river banks burst and the pakistan floods were caused by monsoon rain

When was Guy Cope born?

Guy Cope was born on September 19, 1973, in Truro, Cornwall, England, UK.