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humans cannot survive on the planetSaturn because it is too cold. the temperature is -287 degrees Fahrenheit. that's too cold for someone too live on. There also isn't any oxygen so we can't breathe. The whole planet is almost only gasses. so basically you would die the second you step on this planet.

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Q: How can humans survive on the planet Saturn?
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What would you need to do to survive on the planet Saturn?

Humans can Not survive on Saturn. The giant gas planet has a gravitational pull that would crush a human being in seconds. It is not possible for a human being to survive on Saturn for more than mere seconds.

Can people survive on Saturn?

It's unlikely. Saturn's air is unbreathable to humans, not to mention the intense gravity on the planet, many times larger than that of Earth.

What can live on planet Saturn?

No life form we are currently aware of can survive on Saturn.

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Can you survive on Saturn or any of its moons?

No. There is no vegetation on the planet nor the moons

Are there any humans living on Planet Saturn?

No. There could possibly be undiscovered life, but no humans.

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Without the correct equipment Humans can't survive on any planet at the moment except Earth.

How do you survive on Saturn planet?

You cant unless you are 20 years into the future with special equipment

Could humans live in the planet Saturn why or why not?

no because it is to cold and there is only gas!

Would human being be able to survive on Saturn?

No,human beings cannot survive on this planet because it does not have any solid surface.

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The temperatures on Mercury are too extreme for humans to survive. There is also no oxygen on the planet. 

Can humans survive on any planet besides earth?

No. But maybe there's a planet that we havent discovered yet