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Q: How can i Propagation of sound wave in liquid and solid?
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How many mediums can a sound wave pass through?

Solid, Liquid and Gas... These are the three things a sound wave can get trough... A sound-wave can get trough solid easily, because of all the particles, after that trough Liquid and at least trough Gas...

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No, it's Not. Silence is not a Sound. Silence is defined by the absence of sound. Sound is a vibration that typically propagates as an audible wave of pressure, through a transmission medium such as a gas, liquid or solid. There is no sound at all in outer space, since there is no medium that can sustain its propagation

How does the frequency of a sound wave affect the speed at which the sound wave moves?

Frequency and speed of propagation of the wave are independent of one another. The medium determines the speed of propagation.

Do sound molecules move perpendicularly to the direction of wave propagation?

Sound molecules traveling through air is an example of a longitudinal wave. It moves parallel to the direction of wave propagation.

What is a transversal wave?

A transverse wave is a wave that the displacement of the medium is perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave. Examples of transverse waves are a ripple in a pond and a wave on a string. Transverse waves may occur on a wave, throughout a solid and on the surface of a wave. Transverse waves cannot propagate in a gas or a liquid because there is no mechanism for driving motion perpendicular to the propagation of the wave.

What is a compression wave of gas liquid or solid that is detected by your ear?

A compression wave is not matter, it is a transference of energy.

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Will sound travel faster in solid liquid or gas?

Sound is a compression wave that travels via then vibrations of particles. If the particles are closer together then the wave (sound) moves faster. Particles are closer together in a liquid than a gas, therefore sound travels faster through liquids.

Which meduim is the velocity of a sound wave the greatest?

The velocity of sound is the highest when travelling through a solid. Sound travels fastes in a solid, then in a liquid, and slowest through a gas.

Which kind of wave requires a medium for propagation?

A Sound wave, water wave, earth quake wave. Electromagnetic waves (radio, light, etc.) do not require a medium for propagation.

Can sound travel through solid and liquid and gas?

Yes, but each medium changes the sound wave in a different way.