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There are different ways to help people who self harm. i wouldn't suggest you say things like 'i know how you feel' unless you actually do know they feel. try talking to them, find out why they self harm. Another approach is to just let them know that your always there for them and that your not going to judge them. having someone to tell you that they're there for you helps when you self harm =)

i'm a self harmer. i tend to forget about the horrid things in life when im around people. So just be around them a lot. Make them laugh. x

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1mo ago

Encourage your friend to seek professional help from a therapist or counselor. Offer your support and let them know that you are there to listen without judgment. Help them develop healthy coping mechanisms and encourage them to talk about their feelings instead of turning to self-harm.

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12y ago

You need to sit her down and talk to her. Help her feel better, teach her that their are other ways to express your feelings rather than harming yourself, because what they are doing may lead to other things like attempting or actuallly commiting suicide if you talking doesn't help. Get them help.

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Q: How do help a friend who perposely cuts herself?
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A girl in my class cuts herself and she says that she cant tell her mom because she is part of the reason she cuts herself and she admits that she needs help and you dont know what to do any advice?

She needs immediate professional help. Do whatever you can to get her to a therapist. See the links below for more information. You sound like you are a teen just like me. And teens are not going to go to adults to get professional help. I understand, because I am doing the same thing in life that your friend is doing. Life is hard, and it is her choice to cut herself. There is 2 things that you can do; what I do when a friend of mine is cutting, smoking, or hurting themselves in anyway, is tell them that if they do, that they will loose everything. My friend was doing hard drugs, so I told him that if he continues, I will do them all twice as hard. And that got him to stop. My other friend, she was cutting, and I told her that if she continued, I would cut twice as deep. She stopped.

How do you help a friend who purposely cuts herself?

tell her to stop it! Tell her that she's crazy and is going to die! the loss of blood is bad. the worse thing you could do is confront your friend. just get hold of her parents and inform them nicely and privately. the best thing for your friend is consulting a doctor and he may recommend counseling or rehab for serious cases.

What do you do if your friend cuts herself and made you swear not to tell and a few other ppl know and shes thought about suicide and you want to help butshe says if ppl wanted to helpthey wouldntell?

you tell someone. whether its her parents, a councillor or just a teacher, tell. It's better to have a friend that hates you but is still alive than a best friend that's dead.

How do you help a girlfriend who cuts?

Cuts what

My friend is currently a smoker and cuts. Is there anything I can do to help her quit?

Get photos of people that your friend loves the most. Go with your friend to a "quit smoking" program and make her carry the photos all the time during the process of the program.

What do you do if your best friend keeps feeling sorry for herself?

if he/she is really your best friend you should be able to say as nice as you can to get over herself and youll help him/her through whatevers happened but they have to c-oporate without them being offended.

How can you help cuts heal faster?

By putting lots of neosporin on the cuts

With what do emos cut themselves?

they dont all but its because of depression or family friends or the feeling that everyone hates your or beacause of love is usually why but a razor or just any knife its rlly sad my best friend cuts herself and if u do too just no that it dosnt help hun and it makes it just so much worse and your not alone if your hiding it then dont tell your closist ever friend the one person that loves ya and u love to like family and let them help you thyl listin and theyl no what to say

What do you do if your exgirlfriend cuts herself because she wants to go back out but you already have a new girlfriend?

This girl needs help. Tell someone and try to get her some. It may save her life.

Girlfriend said she'll cut herself anytime to save a life how can you get her to realize you suffer when she does that to herself?

You can not convince your girlfriend that it hurts you when she cuts herself to save a life. If she is cutting herself to save a life something is horribly wrong. In this day and time, no life can be saved by cutting yourself. Your girlfriend needs more help than you can give her.

What should I do - My girlfriend is cutting herself is thinking about suicide and she does anything to hurt herself. But she doesn't want to make a therapy at all so What should I do?

most cutters do not want to commit suicide but the person must be willing to get help and want the help i would think the best thing you could do for her is be there for her dont act angry at her about it it would not be good for her to hide it from you because if she ever cuts to deep or her cuts get infected it wold be good if you would know so then you could help her take care of the wound or talk her into going to a doctor about it