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I am building a house and recently burned a pile of scrap lumber. We found several nicely cleaned copper wires in the ashes and relized we had inadvertently thrown in a couple short lengths of plastic wrapped wiring. It was nicely cleaned and this method might work well for you if you are talking about a small volume of wire. Not very technical, but successful! I think the melting plastic could release harmful vapors so I wouldn't recommend doing this with large volumes of wire without addition research or comments from an expert! Good Luck! I am building a house and recently burned a pile of scrap lumber. We found several nicely cleaned copper wires in the ashes and relized we had inadvertently thrown in a couple short lengths of plastic wrapped wiring. It was nicely cleaned and this method might work well for you if you are talking about a small volume of wire. Not very technical, but successful! I think the melting plastic could release harmful vapors so I wouldn't recommend doing this with large volumes of wire without addition research or comments from an expert! Good Luck!

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Q: How can i melt plastic off copper wire?
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How can you melt plastic off copper wire with out burned it?

One option is to use a heat gun or a hair dryer on a low setting to gently heat the plastic covering the copper wire until it softens and can be peeled off. Be sure to work in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling fumes and wear protective gloves to protect your hands from the hot wire. It's important to be cautious and work slowly to avoid burning the wire.

Can you boil the plastic off copper wire?

Just tried it, no you can't

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Hot copper wire gives off no fumes.However if you are talking about insulated copper wire, the insulation will give off fumes. Depending on the type of insulation it can be anywhere from totally safe to deadly!

Is there an oven available to melt insulation off of copper wire?

Well insulation has a higher heat tolerance than copper. So melting it would DEFINITELY NOT be the way to go. If you can, snip a piece off and slip the rubber insulation off. If you can't, get a professional. wiring is not something you should play around with. and melting is definitely worse.

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there is not a proper grounding wire mounted to the body of the car or truck.

What is the fastest way to strip copper out of plastic?

Burn it off, But not to hot.

Can you put hot jam off the production line into a plastic container?

NO, NO, NO! if you put hot jam into a plastic container it will melt it.

How do you get copper out of wire?

Copper can be extracted from wire by a process called copper wire stripping. This involves using a specialized tool to strip the plastic coating off the wire, leaving the copper core intact. The stripped copper wire can then be collected and sold for recycling.

Is burning copper wire illegal?

If you burn off the insulation from insulated wire to make clean copper scrap the only problem is that starting that kind of trash fire may not be permitted. It is not the presence of copper itself that would be illegal.

What is the Price off copper wire?

If you're asking about melt values : Check out ... it has up to date price indexes for copper, nickel, zinc and silver. Updated daily. If you're asking for building supplies, I paid $57 for a 250 FT spool of 14/2 not more than a few months ago.

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DON'T use nail polish remover! It will melt the plastic frames! :(

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a twist-tie is a small wire with a plastic covering on it. you can actually take off the plastic (if you really want to) and you can see the wire. careful, it can hurt if you poke yourself with it.