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The judge follows the Constitutional protections given to the accused. She must also follow the rules of evidence and respect precedent.

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Q: How can judges control a courtroom procedure in order to guarantee a fair trial?
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Do judges have to allow TV in courtroom?

A quick and dirty answer is "no." Judges do not have to allow TV in a courtroom, generally.

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Where do judges work?

It works at the Supreme Court

Who will be appearing in the appeals court?

In an Appeals Court, an appellant, otherwise known as the petitioner will be in the courtroom. The respondent, also known as an appellee will also be in the courtroom. There will also be attorneys and appeal court judges.

What does gavel mean?

its a hammer. used by judges or presidents to close session: the final word

How is the arrangement of the courtroom then different from modern courtrooms?

African Americans are aloud to sit any where now, even in the Judges seat.

How is the arrangement of the courtroom then different from modern courtrooms today?

African Americans are aloud to sit any where now, even in the Judges seat.

Who are considered professionals in the courtroom work group?

Judges, prosecuting attorneys, defense attorneys, public defenders, and anyone else who earns a living serving the court.

What did Jefferson have control over?

Over the Federalist Judges

Can judges wear their robes outside of the courtroom?

Judges typically wear their robes only while presiding over court proceedings to signify their authority and impartiality. It is not common practice for judges to wear their robes outside of the courtroom, as they may prefer to dress in regular attire when not performing their official duties.

What did Jefferson have little control over?

Over the Federalist Judges

How do you prevent the president from placing the judges under his control?

Actually I do not prevent the president from doing anything, but placing judges under his control is not something a president can readily do. Federal judges are appointed for life just to keep them immune from political pressure. They surely do not answer to the president.