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Q: How can leachate harm human health?
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How can leachate from an open dump harm human health?

Leachate could run off into streams or lakes, or could trickle down into the groundwater below the dump.

How can leachate from an open dump human health?

Leachate could run off into streams or lakes, or could trickle down into the groundwater below the dump.

How motion sensor harms human health?

No reputable scientific information is available - showing that motion sensors harm human health.

Do trash harm people?

Yes. Trash can spread sickness and diseases, which harm people. It can also create leachate, a toxic chemical that can leak into the water supply.

What are the affects of smog?

smog affects the human health and harm the environment

How could the pollution in the earth's oceans harm human beings on land?

Pollution in the Earth's oceans can harm human beings on land by contaminating seafood that we consume, leading to health issues. It can also affect air quality when pollutants are released into the atmosphere from the ocean. Additionally, polluted oceans can impact weather patterns and contribute to extreme weather events that can endanger people on land.

Will ozone bagging improve health or harm your health?

Ozone depletion will harm health. It will not improve health.

How do sanitary landfills attempt to avoid leachate?

By using a liner to keep leachate in place.

What are food ingredients that may cause harm to human lives?

Certain preservative, food colorings, and additives can cause harm to human health. While some believe studies show GMOs are safe, others believe there is evidence that they are not.

Do cell phones affect human male health?

I don't believe so there is no proof that radio waves harm humans.

What is definition of invasion plant?

The federal definition of invasive species is a non-native species whose introduction causes or may cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health.

How is leachate gas and debris from a landfill going to be safely contained so a park can be built on a dump?

Leachate gas and debris from the landfill is going to contain safely so the park can be built on a dump so its does not destroy the ground or harm it in any way. It is sucked out of the ground with pipes that run through the bottom of top soil.