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Q: How can lifestyle choices affect a developing fetus?
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How does Rh factor affect a fetus?

When a mother is Rh negative and her baby is Rh positive, she may develop antibodies to the baby's blood that will cause it to hemolyze

What is failing?

When you have a abortion and not everything comes out. The embryo/fetus is dead but the uterus did not empty properly. You will then need a D&C.

Who is responsible for the most deaths of innocents - the seven supreme court justices who were the majority in the Roe v Wade - or Hitler - Stalin or Mao?

You make an error in your assumption that a fetus has the same moral significance as a person in any other phase of life. A fetus has no thoughts or awareness, no knowledge or skills, a fetus has neither virtues nor vices, no memories, no emotions, no experiences, no hopes and dreams, no fears, no accomplishments, no role in the network of human interactions by which we define ourselves. A fetus has the potential for all of those things, but has none of them yet. If potential value is the same as actual value, then not only would it be murder to kill a fetus, but it would also be murder to fail to fertilize any ovum, which if not fertilized will never achieve its full potential. Any ovulating woman would have to be impregnated to avoid the loss of potential life. Perhaps you agree with that proposal, although it would seem to be rather demanding of women. You have already taken a position that women do not own their own bodies, since the needs of a fetus take precedence, even if the pregnant woman does not wish to have a baby. Of course, I too was once a fetus, as were we all. Yet, if I had died as a fetus, I would not have minded. And the world would still be well populated.

How much control does an fetus have over its development?

depends - conscious? none, a fetus isn't conscious as we know it. genetically? a fetus's genes impact how it develops into a baby, weather it has a genetic disease or not... but a fetus is also impacted by the environment, the womb and the hormones of the mother. Everything the mother eats and drinks and smokes goes into the baby - that's how some babies end up being born addicted to stuff.While the above is partially true, the fetus CAN contribute to its own development.more active fetuses are very often also more active childrenfetuses drink the amniotic fluids - the swallowing of these fluids not only helps organs to mature properly, but also contribute to the development of a normal palate due to the tongue movements associated with this drinking and swallowingby moving its chest walls in and out, the fetus is practicing breathing. while it is not actually breathing, but instead inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluids, respiratory readiness is still being promoted

What are the early stages of human development?

1. xygote 2. gamete 3. embryo 4. fetus (also spelled foetus, fœtus, faetus or fætus) 5. infant...

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It is NOT active in the developing fetus.

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The organ where the developing fetus resides is called the uterus. This is where the fetus grows and matures inside the female.

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A fetus is a developing baby.

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a developing fetus receives nourishment from the placenta, which is burrowed into the uterus

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To help patients have full-term, healthy pregnancies and babies. The education helps because lifestyle habits such as smoking or alcohol usage can be hazardous to a developing fetus.

What is the developing baby called during the first trimester?

The embryonic period extends to the end of the eight week. After the embryonic period (8weeks), the developing human is called a fetus.

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The umbilical cord, which carries oxygenated blood to the fetus and waste away from the fetus. The belly button is where the cord was attached to the developing baby.

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Harmful chemicals or viruses that can be transferred from a mother to her developing fetus are called teratogens.

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What causes asthma in a developing fetus?

Cigarette amoke

When does a developing embryo become a fetus?

After 8 weeks