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Q: How can lyophilic colloids be coagulated?
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What is lyophillic colloids?

Lyophilic collids molecules are more attracted to the dispersion medium then the particles themselves there by coagulation does not takes place

What are the three types of colloidal system?

The 3 types of colloidal system are: 1. Lyophilic colloids 2. Lyophobic colloids 3. Association colloids

Which is more stable a iyophilic or a iyophobic colloids why?

lyophilic solution is more stable cause it is attracted while liophobic are stabilised by agents like detergents

How can colloids be destroyed?

Colloids can be destroyed by heating them or adding an electrolyte in order to destroy them. By adding a small amount of a electrolyte, a colloid can be coagulated. Electrophoresis may be another method to destroy a colloid.

What are lyophilic colloids?

Lyopobic colloid is a colloidal dispersion whereby the dispersed phase is solvent hating .i.e little interaction between the dispersed phase and the continuous phase. Lyophobic colloidal particles are not readily solvated because the continuous phase prefer to interact with one another than be involved in solvating the dispersed particles. Lyophobic colloidal dispersion does not form spontaneously when the dispersed particles and the continuous phase are brought together. The dispersed particles will tend to aggregate i.e thermodynamically favourable. However this is not pharmaceutically favourable. Dispersion method and condensation method are two methods involved in manufacturing lyophobic colloids. If the continuous phase is water, it is also called hydrophobic colloids.

How are the properties of colloids utilized in technology?

Medicines in colloidal form are easily adsorbed by the body tissues and hence are more effective, biological sciences are with numerous colloidal systems, including cell membranes, viruses, bacteria, DAN, proteins... colloids play a role in the semiconductor industry, memory chips, and micro-processors, Polymers, or macromolecules, in solution are lyophilic colloids...

What is the antonym for aerobatic?

Coagulated. Such as all the debri coagulated to the bottom of the tank.

How can coagulated be use in a sentence?

I have stopped bleeding because my blood has coagulated.

Are brownies colloids?

After my opinion they are not colloids.

How do you use coagulated in a sentence?

The spilled water coagulated quickly on the frozen floor.

What is coagulated milk called?

Coagulated milk separates into Curds (the solids used in cheese-making) and Whey (the liquid).

Why lyophilic is more stable than lyophobic?

when lyophobic colliod coagulates, lyophillic colloid stops this cogulation and works as protecter, the prtection can be mesured with golden number