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It depends on the species.

Some birds have very different appearances for male and female. (Some are different sizes.) Many are almost identical.

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because they have colorful feathers

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Q: How can male bird be recognized just by looking at their feather?
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What does it mean to find a single feather on a beach?

It means a bird was just flying by and dropped a feather no omen no sign just simple as that :)

What should you do if your dog ate a bird feather?

i wouldn't do anything but if i were you i would proboly go check just in case

What happens when a birds feather falls out?

well it means that hes going to die so you have to get him a medicine called moromtrin that will help luck with your bird

What is a feather line on chickens?

It is on the wing of the bird. To look at it on a chick just starting to grow feathers, gently hold the chick in one hand and spread the wing out. Take note if the tips of the feathers are even or jagged. That is referred to as "the feather line" On an adult bird it is more easily seen but harder to control the bird.

When you put water on a birds feather what will happen?

It will just slide or drip off unless you dip the bird in thewarterthen it will be very wet:L

Where does the bird drop blue feather in Harvest moon tree of tranquility?

Just follow the bird to Caramel Falls. They go around the path, past the waterfall; just as if you were about to go to the hot springs. Just keep walking and the scene will trigger when you are on the other side.

What are the words to Feathers poem recited by Henry Gibson on Laugh In?

The feather is a very important object -- Without it, a bird could not fly. The feather is also important to the policeman -- Just think Of all the traffic Of birds Walking across the street.

What does a contour feather do for a bird?

Definition: The outer layer of feathers that cover a bird's body, wings, and tail and give the bird its characteristic appearance. Contour feathers differ from other body feathers (such as down and semiplumes) in that they consist of two vanes along a shaft that have interlocking barbs that give strenght and structure to the feather shape

How do you get a bird feather on Zelda skyward sword?

you catch the tiny birds in faron woods with your net, and yay, you got a bird feather. but you need to be very slow with no sudden movements. A way to harvest lots of these is to go in the sealed temple, and back out the big double doors, and a flock of birds should be hanging out there. if they fly away, just go through the doors and then back out again, and they should be there. other than there, you can find them almost anywhere in Faron woods.

Is it lucky to find a magpie feather?

Superstitions are just that! Why should finding a feather be lucky?

How can you get a blue feather on harvest moon tree of tranqility at what place?

Well about 2 weeks after you get 10 hearts with your beloved the mayor will come and there will be a cut scene and later you will see a blue bird. follow it to Carmel Falls and obtain the Blue Feather Then give it to your beloved. Hope It Helped!! :D Fr: Glaceon66 Happy Playing!!!!

When do you see the blue bird on Tree of tranquility?

to see the blue bird, you must get the person you like to 8 hearts and the mayor to 3-4 hearts. a few says after, Hamilton will come to your house and tell you about the Blue Bird of Happiness and how it's feather is a traditional marriage proposal. anywhere between the next day and 2 weeks later, when you leave your house, you will see a blue bird. Then just follow the bird to Caramel Falls. They go around the path, past the waterfall; just as if you were about to go to the hot springs. Just keep walking and the scene will trigger when you are on the other side.