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If they have different densities.

Imagine a balloon. Now fill it up with air: it expands.

Imagine another balloon, and fill it with water until it has the same volume as the first one.

The water filled one will be much heavier.

This is because the water particles are much closer together; you can fit more of them in the same volume. The gas particles, on the other hand, bounce around with lots of empty space in between them. There are fewer gas particles and the balloon has less mass.

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2w ago

Objects can have the same volume but different mass due to differences in their density. Density is calculated by dividing an object's mass by its volume. Therefore, objects with different densities can have the same volume but different mass.

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14y ago

Then they have different densities.

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Q: How can objects have the same volume but have different mass?
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If two objects are made of the same material will they have the same density?

The density an object depends not only on the mass but also its volume i.e. D=M/V. Therefore, if two objects had the same mass and volume then they would have the same density. By contrast, if two objects had the same mass but different volumes then they would not have the same volume. In fact, the object with the least volume would be more dense or would have would have a greater density.

Do all liquid have the same mass?

No, not all liquids have the same mass. The mass of a liquid depends on its density and volume. Different liquids have different densities, so their masses will vary even if they have the same volume.

Two objects may have the same temperature but they will not have the same amounts of thermal energy unless they also have the same amount of?

mass. The thermal energy of an object is directly proportional to its mass, so objects with different masses will have different amounts of thermal energy even if their temperatures are the same.

Why cant mass be used as a property to identify a sample of matter?

Mass can't be used as a unique identifier because it is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, not a specific characteristic. Two different samples of matter can have the same mass but be composed of different types of substances. To identify a sample of matter, properties like density, color, or chemical composition are typically used.

When you compare masses of the same volume of different substances you are doing what?

You are comparing their densities. Density is a measure of how much mass is present in a given volume. By comparing the masses of the same volume of different substances, you can determine which substance is more or less dense than the others.

Related questions

Why can two objects with the same mass have different densities?

Volume. Density depends on mass and volume. Density = mass/volume. Things that have the exact same mass can have different densities if the volume associated with either are different.

How is it possible for objects to have the same volume but different masses?

Their masses are different. (Mass = density * volume)

If two objects have the same mass can you assume they have the same volume Explain give example?

No, two objects with the same mass can have different volumes if they have different densities. Density is the mass of an object per unit volume. For example, a bar of gold and a bar of aluminum can have the same mass but different volumes due to their different densities.

How Mass and volume can affect the density of the volume?

The definition of density is mass per unit volume. For any object or sample of a substance, it can be calculated as (mass) divided by (volume). If two objects or samples with the same volume have different masses, the one with the greater mass has greater density. If two objects or samples with the same mass have different volumes, the one with the greater volume has smaller density.

Can objects with the same mass have the same volume?


What can you tell about two objects that have the same volume but different masses?

the two objects in question have different densities. The denser object has more mass.

If two objects are the same size will they have the same mass?

Not necessarily. Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, while size refers to the dimensions of the object. Two objects of the same size may have different densities, which would result in different masses.

Why can two objects with the same mass and volume have the same density?

Density is a property that represents the compactness of a substance. If two objects have the same mass and volume, it means that they have the same amount of material packed into the same amount of space, resulting in the same density. Density is calculated by dividing mass by volume, so if mass and volume are equal, density will also be equal.

If two objects are made of the same material will they have the same density?

The density an object depends not only on the mass but also its volume i.e. D=M/V. Therefore, if two objects had the same mass and volume then they would have the same density. By contrast, if two objects had the same mass but different volumes then they would not have the same volume. In fact, the object with the least volume would be more dense or would have would have a greater density.

Why do objects have different mass?

Objects have different mass due to the amount of matter they contain. Mass is a measure of the total amount of material within an object, which can vary depending on factors such as size, density, and composition. Heavier objects have more mass because they contain more matter, while lighter objects have less mass because they contain less matter.

How do two objects with indentical volumes can have different densities?

Two objects with identical volumes can have different densities if they have different masses. Density is calculated by dividing an object's mass by its volume, so even if two objects occupy the same amount of space, they can have different densities if their masses are not the same.

Do two objects that take up the same amount of space have the same volume or mass?

They have the same volume.