

How can one treat the problem of bladder incontinence?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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Bladder incontinence is an unfortunate and troubling condition. Surgery is available to try and counter it, and this includes electrical stimulation. However, it is more normal to try pelvic floor exercises and lifestyle changes before undertaking any surgery.

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Q: How can one treat the problem of bladder incontinence?
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What are symptoms of a bladder problem?

The symptoms of a bladder problem include but are not limited to excessive urination, lack of urination, and pain when urinating. A bladder problem can be serious, and if you believe you may have one you should talk to a doctor about it.

What is the general treatment indicated in case of irritable bladder?

One of the general treatments for an irritable bladder would be to see a doctor to obtain a prescription of anti-biotics. Another treatment option would be adult diapers or pads for incontinence.

What can I do to control After child birth I have an overactive bladder?

This condition leads to urine incontinence and is common after child birth. It will improve with pelvic exercises. You could take medication if it does not after a few months.

What is an overactive bladder Can one deal with it?

It is best to talk to a medical professional. The two of you can figure out what plan of action is best for you. Overactive bladder is the need to urinate often and frequently (aka urge incontinence). There are medications and even physical therapies available that can help.

What are some treatments for bladder spasms?

In some cases bladder spasms can be caused by certain medications, so avoiding these medications can help. One can also treat bladder spasms with bladder training, electrical stimulation and pelvic floor exercises.

How do you cure incontinence?

just always be ready with cleaning stuff so you don't mess the whole place around. It would be best to see a physician and get a professional opinion. The treatment of incontinence depends on the cause, and there are many different ways to treat it.

Why does one urinate while suffering from incontinence?

In urinary incontinence, there is a neurological disorder which leads to skewed recognition and failure of response to signals that allow the individual to decide whether to urinate. This can also happen if the prostrate is swollen and blocks the passage. The bladder normally signals the brain when it is filled, or nearly filled, or has contents which are causing irritation. From late infancy, humans will normally and automatically repress the release of the voluntary muscles keeping the exit to the urethra closed. However, in enuresis (bedwetting) and other forms of incontinence, this does not occur, and the bladder empties involutarily.

Overactive Bladder: Signs and Symptoms?

Statistics indicate that over 200 million people are affected by overactive bladder. Given that most doctors consider overactive bladder to be a significantly under-reported condition, that number could actually be much higher. According to the International Continence Society, overactive bladder is characterized by an urgent need to urinate more than 8 times a day. Although frequent urination is the primary symptom of overactive bladder, the diagnosis of this condition is a complex and nuanced process. Because frequent urination can also be symptomatic of bladder tumors, interstitial cystitis, or other issues, doctors frequently rely on a nexus of secondary symptoms to correctly diagnose overactive bladder. One frequently reported secondary symptom of overactive bladder is "weak" urination. Sufferers describe weak urination as a difficulty in maintaining a consistent stream of urine, a feeling of "straining," and the sensation that the bladder does not completely empty. Occasionally, this feeling is accompanied by an acute pain in the lower abdomen. Perhaps the most debilitating symptom associated with overactive bladder is incontinence. There are several manifestations of incontinence, all of which are linked to overactive bladder. Urge incontinence, caused by a disconnect between the bladder and the nerves surrounding it, results in a sudden feeling of fullness and an inability to "make it to the bathroom in time." Stress incontinence is caused by suddenly straining the muscles surrounding the bladder. This strain can be caused by physiological reflexes such as coughing, laughing, or sneezing, or by strenuous physical activities such as lifting weights. Significantly less common is overflow incontinence, a condition in which a small amount of urine is continually released from the bladder. Doctors also regard frequent nighttime disruption as an indicator of overactive bladder. Known as nocturia, this condition is broadly defined as two or more episodes of interrupted sleep per night. Sufferers of nocturia report a frequent, urgent need to urinate which significantly impacts their sleeping habits, often accompanied by bed-wetting or nighttime leakage.

Is it possible to maintain good incontinence protection at home?

Incontinence is one problem with elderly people which cannot be always feasible and economical to manage with a care taker. It needs to be managed operationally - maybe by controlling fluid intake or using incontinence products. Best is resorting to good incontinence products. Try checking online for options? You will even find brands who provide range of products depending on the incontinence level of that person. Whether they are able to put on or remove the products for themselves or whether they require assistance. In each case maximum incontinence protection is provided.

How can I make my overactive bladder go away naturally in less than 1 month?

To completely treat an overactive bladder in less than one month, you can try many different types of treatments, but one prescription treatment is Toviaz.

Is incontinence cumbersome for women?

Among women, age is usually a major reason of this. Hence incontinence can become cumbersome in one way or the other. Ageing causes the pelvic floor muscles which keeps the bladder closed to weaken. As a result even in case of any common stress like laughing and coughing causes urine leakage. This is also seen among some women who have little mental illness to have a failure of response to signals. Urinary incontinence can become a serious occupational issue if not take care; especially for a woman.

Can life be made convenient in incontinence?

Inconvenience is a subjective term. It depends on how you manage it. Urinary incontinence is very common problem in ageing but this can be possible even with young people. Consulting a specialist would be recommended. Apart from this, one can also resort to good quality incontinence products. Modern pads are made of special materials and gives faster absorption and longer odor free periods. Try using some selected reputed brands. There are some special products designed for extreme incontinence also.