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I am a child myself and I would say that if you want us to stay healthy, you'd have to make compromises. Say things like if you have two bits of fruit you can have a treat. Make it that we have vegetables with tea and then pudding sometimes. Just make compromises.

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Q: How can parents prevent their children from becoming obese?
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Why are more children becoming obese?

Children are becoming more obese these days because so much fast food and junk food is being offered to them. Sometimes it is easier for parents to just feed their kids something quick and easy like fast food than prepare an elaborate meal, especially if the parents have to work long hours, which our society seems to promote.

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The pimas of Arizona ar obese 60% of the kids parents are obese. -Dr.Hooves

How can one avoid their kids from becoming obese?

They need to have yearly check ups at the doctor. This is key for their future. Parents can encourage physical activity and become involved with them. In addition, parents can cook healthy and teach their children about all kinds of food and how they are different.

Why do parents allow their children to become obese?

because the parents of obese children are usually fat aswell and dont care about there child. i also think the child plays a vital role aswell becasue they can refuse food and eat what they want and when they want

What evidence is there that American children are becoming increasingly obese?

now their is corn syrup in everything i am 10 and 70 pounds

Why are they becoming fat?

Children are usually fat because of geans or there parents are obese and they eat what their parents eat. A big deal of that is fast food chains and soft drinks. Teens are especially addicted to drinking soft drinks. This can cause rotting teeth and empty calories.

What percentage of kids get obese because of there parents?

About 80% of kids are obese do to there parents.

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Are obese children more likely to become obese adults?

If you watch what you eat, and stay healthy - despite your parents -- you can stay away from obesity.

How do you prevent your cockatiel from becoming obese?

Make sure it gets lots of exercise play with it outside it's cage and give it lots of interesting toys to play with.

What are the negative use of media and internet?

1. hurts eyes 2. children are becoming obese 3. Not safe because of hackers and viruses

What is phobia of becoming obese called?
