

How can people help leopards stay a live?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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People can help leopards stay alive by donating to charities that go out to were leopards live and help prevent the poaching of them.

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Q: How can people help leopards stay a live?
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mabey not.

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Do leopards live together or alone?

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Sort of. They stay in the same area but the altitude changes. They live in Asia near the Himalayas. In winter, they live near the bottom, in the sub-alpine areas. In summer they move up the mountains where it is still cold.

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Do leopards live in family groups?

No. They are very individual animals and protect their turf. They only seek another leopard when they want to mate and then the male doesn't stay with the female or cubs.

Do snow leopards run in packs?

No, snow leopards are solitary animals, but cubs may stay with their mother for 1.5 to almost 2 years. People who have seen such family groups may have thought they were seeing a "pack" or "pride".

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well if they live in England, they tend to stay there.