

How can photosynthesis work when under water?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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when it rains it gets under the ground


Yes, because the visible light can enter in water at some depth.

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Q: How can photosynthesis work when under water?
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Can photosynthesis work under water?

yes the only conditon is that the sun light should reach the parts of the plant which have chlorophill.

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How it is possible for phytoplankton to perfom photosynthesis under water?

Water doesn't inhibit photosynthesis as long as it is not too deep for adequate light penetration.

From where does the oxygen liberated in photosynthesis come?

If you mean where is the oxygen released when photosynthesis has taken place then the answer is the stoma which is located under the leaf

What conditions does photosynthesis ned to work?

for photosynthesis to work plants need a suitable tempreture range , available water , carbon dioxide and sunlight

What is the process called when plants use carbon dioxide water and sunlight to make simple sugars?

aerobic respiration.

What happens to the water produced from photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis does not produce water is uses it.

What liquid is taken up in photosynthesis?

Water is taken in and utilized by plants for photosynthesis.

Does photosynthesis occur underwater?

Yes. Even the plants and algae that are completely under the surface are exposed to enough sunlight to conduct photosynthesis. Shoreline plants and partially submerged plants are included in water biomes, and these, of course, photosynthesize.

What is the source of oxygen in photosynthesis in plants?

Water is the source of oxygen in photosynthesis.

What is responsible for water oxygen and food to exists?

Basically, the sun. The sun then allows for photosynthesis to work. Then you have your oxygen, which provides both water and food.

How do plants obtain water for photosynthesis?

They use their roots to reach ground water, and use that water for photosynthesis.