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Plasma is a relatively general term that characterizes many things. However, in the context of your question, plasma is the state of matter that the "fuel" is in when nuclear fusion takes place. This is true at least in the most common designs for large scale fusion reactors. Although nuclear fusion as an energy production technology remains an unproven approach, it is promising enough that people could hope that it "will make the earth a better place to live in". That is mainly because: a) The source is virtually unlimited (sea water) b) There no greenhouse gases (such as CO2) released by fusion reactors c) The waste isotopes have a half-life of hew decades making them reasonable to manage in comparison with fission waste isotopes that have a half-life of thousands of years. For more information on plasmas and fusion:

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Q: How can plasma the 4th state of matter be used to make earth a better place to live in?
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Pretty much everything. One good place to start is that plasma is a state of matter, while an acid is a particular type of chemical compound.

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Around 4.578 billion years ago when size of Sun was double then the present size. A Huge explosion take place on sun. Which scatered huge amount of Plasma along With many Gases and among them some were attracted by gravity of sun which does not allow them to go out of orbit of sun. Then this plasma get cool and reaction take place in gases form an Earth. As the distance of Earth from sun create a unique climate on Earth which was not too hot neither too cold and best suited for Every Reaction which has created an unique Environment that living things want to live. It's rotation take place by the movement of plasma inside Earth.

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It doesn't matter. All growth takes place during sleep. The position does not matter.

Will earth be a better place in the future?

Its all downhill from here bud.

Why should we make the earth a better place?

because our children will have to live on it

How will Earth be in 2020?

If Global Warming and Global Cooling can be balanced correctly then the Earth should be a better place

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The earth will ba a better place to live and your childrens childrens will also have a place to live