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Power plants need air scrubbers to help reduce sulfur dioxide. Too often factory owners put profit ahead of public safety.

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Q: How can power plants help their air pollution problem?
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How does using wind power help the reuse reduce recycle program?

It really doesn't help recycling. That said, wind power does reduce air pollution and fossil fuel consumption that are caused by conventional power plants.

What inventions help to solve pollution?

There have been thousands of inventions invented to solve pollution. They hybrid and electric cars are one invention created to solve car pollution.

Does wind power contribute to any pollution or does it help?

In reality wind power actually helps to cut down pollution, not by much but it's something.

How do plants help fight pollution?

Plants reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air and increase the amount of oxygen.

what needs to be done to help or resolve the issue of air pollution?

There are a few things that can be done to help or resolve the problem of air pollution. Using electric cars, carpooling, and reducing the amount of chemicals that are burned will help reduce air pollution.

How can you help clean the air around us?

You can plant some trees (or plants in general) and try to reduce pollution. Recycle, carpool and use more efficient plants (power, etc.) and be green in general - these are all ways you can help the world's air stay somewhat clean.

How do plants help us fight pollution?

Plants purify air composition by absorbing CO2 and releasing Oxygen. By way of transpiration plants add humidity in the air and broad leafed trees also help in reducing suspended particulate matter from the air. A good number of aquatic plants absorb heavy metals from water. Thus plants help us fighting pollution in many ways.

How does using lights less help stop air pollution?

Using lights less uses less electricity. Most of the electricity that powers lights comes from power plants that burn fossil fuels. The burning of fossil fuels is the largest contributor to air pollution.

How do plants help in reducing noise pollution?

Living or working in a noisy environment is not always the best idea. However, nature can offer a little help. Plans can help reduce noise pollution by using reflection among each other to deaden the sound before it reaches you. Trees and shrubs are some of the best options for reducing the noise in your area.

How plants help to save the environment?

Plant life absorbs CO2, which is thought to be the main source of air pollution.

How plants help us fight pollution?

Aquatic plants absorb toxic metals and leaves absorb dirty gases.Plants also give us oxygen.

How can breeding programmes reduce the amount of pollution?

Using breeding programs develops plants with different genetic traits that can help reduce pollution. One instance of this is plants that need less fertilizer reduce the amount of nitrogen getting into water.